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今年6月30日至7月4日,党和国家领导人万里、胡启立、李鹏等同志乘直升飞机飞越青海湖,从黄河上游青海省的龙羊峡,顺黄河而下,经甘肃、宁夏、河南、山东等省区,直到黄河入海口,对黄河进行了一次实地考察。随行的有水利电力部部长钱正英、国家计委副主任黄毅诚,以及有关方面专家共10余人。7月5日,在返回北京的途中,万里同志在飞机上同胡启立、李鹏、钱正英等同志,谈了他对管理和使用黄河的一些看法和想法。万里同志说:建国以来,我们对黄河的治理取得了很大成绩。今后治理黄河的方针,是要使黄河洪水为患的问题到本世纪末能够得到基本控制。就是说,在没有特殊原因的情况下,黄河洪水不再为患,黄河不再不安 From June 30 this year to July 4 this year, comrades of the party and state Wan Li, Hu Qili and Li Peng flew over Qinghai Lake by helicopter. From Longyangxia in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Qinghai Province and down the Yellow River, they went through Gansu, Ningxia , Henan, Shandong and other provinces until the Yellow River into the sea, conducted a field visit to the Yellow River. Qian Zhengying, minister in charge of water conservancy and electric power, Huang Yicheng, deputy director of the State Development Planning Commission, accompanied by more than 10 experts in relevant fields. On the 5th of July returning to Beijing, Miles comrades talked with Hu Qili, Li Peng and Qian Zhengying on the plane about some of his views and thoughts on the management and use of the Yellow River. Comrade Wanli said: Since the founding of our country, we have made great achievements in the governance of the Yellow River. The policy of governing the Yellow River in the future will be to get the basic control over the floods in the Yellow River to the end of this century. That is to say, in the absence of special reasons, the Yellow River flood no longer troubles the Yellow River no longer restless
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