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1.黑白电视机市场并非漆黑一片。从城乡市场黑白电视机普及状况看,城镇市场早在8年前就已走向饱和之后的衰退期,黑自电视机百户家庭拥有量逐年下降,到92年已经跌至百户37.71部的状况;农村市场黑白电视机则刚刚走过迅速成长期。开始成熟饱和期,92年百户家庭拥有52.44部。我国农村各地经济发展不平衡。就全部2.2亿户农民来说,富裕起来的毕竟还在少数,黑白机在农村仍不失为老少皆宜的文娱用品。如果以黑白电视机百户年增5部计算,1992年底已达到52.44部,到1993年3季度可以算做55台,如果加上当年农村居民彩电拥有10台/百户,农村居民电视拥有也不过65部/百户。目前农村居民电视拥有总量9001万部。还有8000万户农民没有电视。按农村市场黑白、彩电百户拥有平均每年递增5部计算,1994年国内农村市场还可容纳黑白电视机900万部、1995年1000万部。 1. The black and white TV market is not dark. Judging from the popularity of black-and-white TVs in both urban and rural markets, the urban market has slid to its saturation point as early as 8 years ago. The number of households owned by black household TVs has declined year by year, and by the year 92 has dropped to 37.71. In rural markets, black-and-white television has just passed rapid growth. At the beginning of the mature saturation period, 92 families had 52.44 families in 1992. The economic development in our country’s rural areas is uneven. For all the 220 million farmers, the rich are still in the minority, and the black and white machines are still suitable entertainment facilities for the young and old in rural areas. If the number of black-and-white TV households is increased by 5 units per year, by the end of 1992, it has reached 52.44 units, and by the end of 1992, it will be able to count 55 units. If rural household color TVs were added with 10 units/hundred households, TVs owned by rural residents were also owned. However, there are 65 or 100 households. At present, there are 9 million TVs in rural areas. There are 80 million farmers who do not have television. According to the rural market, black and white, color TV, 100 households have an average annual increase of 5 calculations, in 1994 the domestic rural market can accommodate 9 million black and white TV sets, in 1995 10 million.
福州合欢壁纸有限公司研制的“PVC 彩印对花壁纸”1993年年底通过福建省经委组织和主持的新产品鉴定.该产品采用电脑跟踪,同步对花压花的创新技术.选择高品质的印刷油墨进行
本文主要谈现在粮食企业管理存在的问题,并结合实际提出六点办法,取得一定成效。 This article mainly discusses the problems existing in the management of grain compa
一、我国支柱产业的总体发展水平 90年代初,我国提出要振兴的机械、电子、石化、汽车、建筑业五大支柱产业的总体发展水平,与国际相比差距较大。表现在: (一) 增加值占GNP的
化工部无机盐信息站第二届化工设备交易交流会1994年5月28—30日在杭州召开。来自全国无机盐、氯碱、轻工等行业的化工厂及化工设备生产企业88名代表出席了这次会议。 The