High resolution bathymetry of China seas and their surroundings

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizdy
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Based on the oceanic lithospheric flexure and the worldwide bathymetric data ETOPO5, the high resolution bathymetry of the China seas and their surroundings is computed from altimeter derived gravity anomalies. The new bathymetry obtained by this study is higher resolution and accuracy than the widely used ETOPO5 data, meanwhile it shows clearly the seafloor, the tectonic characteristics and the geodynamical processes in the China seas. Based on the oceanic lithospheric flexure and the worldwide bathymetric data ETOPO5, the high resolution bathymetry of the China seas and their surroundings is computed from altimeter derived gravity anomalies. The new bathymetry obtained by this study is higher resolution and accuracy than the widely used ETOPO5 data , meanwhile it shows clearly the seafloor, the tectonic characteristics and the geodynamical processes in the China seas.
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