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跨越式发展是后进者追赶先行者的进程中,通过观念创新、体制创新、机制创新和科技创新,加快发展速度,或直接从具有比较优势和发展潜力的领域入手,站在高起点上,超越某些发展阶段,用相对比较短的时间缩小差距,以致于在一些领域实现赶超。党的十六大提出了本世纪头二十年我国的发展目标就是要集中力量,全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会。屏山作为国家扶贫开发工作重点县,低水平的、不全面的、发展很不平衡的小康都尚未达到,要加快全县小康建设进程,必须跨越式发展。 Leap-forward development is the process of pursuing the pioneers by the latecomers. By means of concept innovation, system innovation, mechanism innovation and technological innovation, speeding up the development, or directly from areas with comparative advantages and potential for development, from a high starting point and beyond In some stages of development, closing the gap in a relatively short period of time has led to catch-up in some areas. The 16th CPC National Congress proposed that the goal of our country’s development in the first two decades of this century is to concentrate on building a well-to-do society of a higher standard that will benefit billions of people. As a key county for poverty alleviation and development in China, Ping Shan has not yet reached a well-to-do society with a low level, an incomplete scale and a very unbalanced development. To accelerate the process of building a well-to-do society throughout the county, we must develop by leaps and bounds.
介绍武钢热轧厂活套高度控制系统更新前和更新后的套量数学模型,详细分析了更新后系统的套量计算方法和优点。用此种方法实现的程序现已在两家热连轧厂做生产运行。 This pap
本文从可持续发展的角度出发,阐述了森林资源资产化管理的几个关键性问题。指明森林资源资产化管理应以可持续发展思想为指导并达到可持续发展的目标。 In this paper, from
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It is honestly beginning to scare me. I came into work thismorning and Im sure that the buildings must have changedshape overnight. There was one with an orange