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三氯化铁诱导的小鼠血栓形成模型对于血栓形成的病理生理学研究和抗血栓形成药物的验证至关重要.该模型中的血栓形成通常是用多普勒血流探针或活体显微镜观察.但这两种方法都有一定的局限性.多普勒血流探针不能准确监测下降到基线10%以下的血流信号,它也不能监测小动脉和静脉的血栓形成.活体显微术需要通过荧光标记血小板观察血栓,而荧光标记使这种方法更加复杂和昂贵.同时,一些非特异性荧光染料会引起比预期的血小板更强的荧光信号.激光散斑对比成像(Laser speckle contrast imaging,LSCI)是一种无创、宽视野的非扫描光学测量血流的技术.而LSCI很少用于研究三氯化铁诱导的血栓形成模型中的血流.该研究的目的是评估LSCI作为该模型中血流测定和血管成像的替代方法.通过用LSCI观察三氯化铁诱导损伤的小鼠颈动脉血流,作者发现LSCI可以捕获血管堵塞过程并精确记录堵塞时间,并且血管堵塞时间随三氯化铁浓度的增加而减小.当三氯化铁浓度为2.5%,5%,7.5%和10%时,颈动脉堵塞时间分别为30 min,18.38±10.24 min,5.31±1.23 min和5.06±1.41 min.并且三氯化铁模型与LSCI结合的方法成功评估了两种抗血栓药氯吡格雷和利伐沙班的药效.综上所述,LSCI具有时空分辨率高、无创、无需注射染料等优点,是一种很有前景的观察三氯化铁诱导小鼠颈动脉损伤模型的方法.","Ferric chloride induced mice carotid artery injury model is critical for the study of pathophysiology of thrombosis and validation of antithrombotic drugs.Usually,the thrombus formation in this model was observed by Doppler flow meter orintravital microscopy.But both methods have certain limitations.Doppler flow meter cannot precisely monitor blood flow when the signal decreases to less than 10% of baseline;it also cannot monitor thrombosis in arteriole and venula.Intravital microscopy need fluorescent agents to label platelet,the labeling operation of platelets make this method more complicated and expensive.At the same time,some non-specific fluorescent dyes will cause a stronger fluorescence signals than expected platelets.Laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) is a non-invasive,non-scanning optical technique with a wide view,for measuring blood flow.However LSCI has rarely been used in the study of blood flow in ferric chloride induced animal thrombosis model,a very important model in thrombosis research.The purpose in the present study is to evaluate it as an alteative for both blood flow test and vessel image simultaneously in this critical animal model.The blood flow in the carotid artery of mice induced by ferric chloride was observed by LSCI.The author's found that LSCI precisely recorded vascular occlusive time.Time of occlusion changed with different concentration of ferric chloride.The occlusion time of carotid artery were 30 min,(18.38 ± 10.24) min,(5.31 ± 1.23) min and (5.06 ± 1.41) min when concentration of ferric chloride at 2.5%,5%,7.5% and 10% respectively.LSCI also can capturethe video of occlusion process which was showed in different color.Using ferric chloride model combined with LSCI,the efficacy of two well-known antithrombotic agentsclopidogrel and rivaroxaban were successfully evaluated.LSCI with advantages of high temporal-spatial resolution,noninvasive,no need for dye injection,is a promising method for blood flow observation in Ferric chloride induced mice carotid artery injury model.
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