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被誉为保险奇才的潘燊昌,25岁时跨入保险行业,只花了三年时间就考取了香港第一张英国精算师执照。从34岁起,他先后担任中国香港、马来西亚、中国台湾三家不同保险公司的总经理,1987年底只身来到中国台湾创立安泰人寿,仅10年的工夫就将其经营成资产、效益等综合评比在亚洲87家保险公司中名列第一的“寿险王国”。此后他又进军中国内地,在上海成立太平洋安泰人寿保险有限公司并出任副董事长。在他53岁那年,遇到了事业上最大的挑战:台湾安泰被具有155年历史的荷兰ING集团购并。面对人生最难的去留抉择,在众人都看好他肯定会“跳槽”的情况下,他选择了留下,以出色的职业道德和管理经营才干让新老板刮目相看,很快升任ING集团大中华区总裁,并成为该集团中惟一的亚裔董事,事业掀开了更加辉煌的一页。《听老板的就错了》这部书实际上就是潘燊昌自己人生历练 Poon Sun Cheong, known as the Wizards of Insurance, stepped into the insurance industry when he was 25 and took the first British Actuary license in Hong Kong in just three years. From the age of 34, he has served as the general manager of three different insurance companies in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Taiwan, China. At the end of 1987, he came to Taiwan to set up Aetna Life Insurance Co., Ltd. in Taiwan. In just 10 years, he managed the company as a comprehensive appraisal of assets and benefits Among the 87 insurers in Asia ranked No. 1 in the Kingdom of Life Insurance. Since then, he has also entered the mainland of China and established Pacific Antai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. in Shanghai and served as its vice chairman. At age 53, he met the biggest challenge in his career: Taiwan's Antai was acquired by ING, a 155-year-old Dutch company. In the face of the hardest life to choose to stay in favor of everyone optimistic that he will certainly “quit” circumstances, he chose to stay, with outstanding professional ethics and management talent to make the new boss admiration, soon promoted to ING Group Greater China president, and become the only Asian-American group of directors, career opened a more brilliant page. “Listen to the boss is wrong” This book is actually Poon Sun-chang their own life experience
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一、1(×)2(√)3(×)4(×)二、最悬殊的区别—天壤之别最昂贵的稿费—一字千金最绝望的处境—山穷水尽最难做的饭—无米之炊最反常的气候—晴天霹雳 One, 1 (×) 2 (√) 3 (
在新课标下,要加进化学课程改革的步伐。本文从六个方面浅谈了笔者一些感悟,以便参考。 Under the new curriculum standard, to add the pace of chemical curriculum refo
(The 2013 volume)《德国哲学》是由湖北大学哲学学院主办、湖北大学德国哲学研究所协办的专门研究德国哲学及相关问题的学术性刊物。刊物实行规范的审稿制度,由编辑部对稿件