
来源 :语数外学习(高中语文教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hewanjiang1975
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我们一直在追求完美的课堂:语文课上学生质疑问难、精彩纷呈,教师旁征博引、挥洒自如。可有时偏偏遇到出格的学生,他们有时思维异于常规,回答出乎老师的意料,这时我们的老师往往急于完成教学任务,置学生的问题于不顾,或用自己的见解统一学生的思想;或指责学生胡言乱语破坏课堂纪律,结果师生可能争得面红耳赤,不欢而散。法国有句谚语“了解一切,宽容一切”。作为教师应该尊重学生,对学生充满宽容,只有充分倾听学生的思维,我们才能真正把握学情,从而赏识学生,激发他们学习语 We have been pursuing a perfect classroom: the students in the Chinese language class are very difficult to question, brilliant and colorful. Sometimes we sometimes encounter unexpected students. Sometimes they think differently from the usual way and they are out of the expectation of the teacher. At this moment, our teachers often are eager to finish the teaching task, disregard the students ’problems or unify the students’ thoughts with their own opinions ; Or accused students of nonsense to undermine classroom discipline, as a result teachers and students may gain fiery red, broke up. French proverb “know everything, forgive everything.” As teachers should respect students, students are full of tolerance, and only fully listen to the thinking of students, we can really grasp the learning, so as to appreciate students and stimulate their learning
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