百年欧登多 淬炼完美品质——专记欧登多(秦皇岛)机械制造有限公司 销售经理Joerg Mayer

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欧登多(秦皇岛)公司建于1995年,是除了德国明登以外唯一一家海外工厂。从建厂到现在,欧登多在华不断追加投资,生产规模逐步扩大。2006年恰逢欧登多百年华诞,欧登多(秦皇岛)公司也迎来了历史性新发展:专门为中国市场设计的新F 92T投入生产,东莞展示中心成立,WA 6全部生产由德国总部转入秦皇岛等等。百年历史造就的完美品质及精益求精的精神使得欧登多(秦皇岛)在征服中国市场的同时也迎来了自身的不断发展与壮大。如何完美展现欧登多百年品质,欧登多(秦皇岛)公司销售经理Joerg Mayer给了我们完整的答案。 Odendo (Qinhuangdao) company was founded in 1995, is the only one outside the German Minden factory. From the founding of the plant to the present, Oudeduo continued to invest additional investment in China, gradually expanding the scale of production. 2006 coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Odeon, Odente (Qinhuangdao) company also ushered in the historic new development: designed for the Chinese market designed for the new F 92T put into production, Dongguan Exhibition Center was established, WA 6 all produced by the German headquarters Into Qinhuangdao and so on. The perfect quality created by one hundred years of history and the spirit of excellence make Oudeduo (Qinhuangdao) usher in the continuous development and expansion of its own while conquering the Chinese market. How to Perfectly Show the Quality of a Century of Olten, Joerg Mayer, Sales Manager of Odendo (Qinhuangdao) Company, gave us the complete answer.
甲骨文在广州启动“甲骨文加速计划”,并联合50多个合作伙伴一起推出了30多个面向行业的应用解决方案。 Oracle launched “Oracle Accelerate Program” in Guangzhou and
摘要:湖北现有3处世界文化遗产,3项《中国世界文化遗产预备名单》项目以及1项申遗筹备项目。 “十二五”以来,为促进世界文化遗产的有效与合理适度利用,发挥遗产的文化与社会价值.实现世界遗产保护的可持续发展,湖北省在推进世界文化遗产保护法制建设、开展文化遗产保护规划编制、完善遗产监测体系、进行保护与管理机制建设、实施文物保护工程、采用科技手段与多学科交流、开展世界文化遗产的突出普遍价值研究等方面做了很
In July 21st I started the last trip of my year-long stay in China. AnAmerican friend, Moira, had agreed to meet me in Shanghai and accompany me.Our goals were
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世界第一树王最近已经易主。原世界树王名称是Tall Tree,是一棵美国红杉树,高112.18米,不料,一场冬季的风暴折断了它顶部,骤然使它“矮”了3米。现在,取而代之的是另一棵美国