心系人大工作 切实履行职责

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去年年初,济宁市中区委书记步士金同志经市中区十四届人大四次会议选举担任区人大常委会主任职务。一年来,他对党委工作和人大工作统筹兼顾,合理安排,充分发挥领导作用,有力地推动了当地社会各项事业和民主法制工作的进步。在其位谋其政,不当挂名主任。步士金同志上任伊始就绷紧人大工作这根弦。当选常委会主任后的当天下午,就召集人大机关干部和人大离退休老同志征求意见,共商做好人大工作的办法。随后,他又主持召开了主任(扩大)会议,依法明确了自己的工作职责,同时对其他副主任的分工进行了调整,并明确一名副主任主持日常工作。为支持人大依法行使职权,他表示,凡人大的重要会议或研究重大问题,除特殊情况外,一定按时参加;凡人大安排的重要活动,时 At the beginning of last year, Comrade Pu Tianjin, secretary of Central Party Committee of Jining City, took the post of director of district people’s congress standing committee after being elected by the Fourth Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Government. In the past year, he has made overall planning and reasonable arrangements for the work of party committees and the NPC, gave full play to its leading role, and effectively promoted the progress of various undertakings in the local community and the work of the democratic legal system. In their respective positions, improperly named director. At the beginning of his tenure, Comrade Buchet Jin Taizong worked closely with the NPC. On the afternoon of the same day after the election of the chairman of the Standing Committee, he urged the cadres from the NPC and the retired veteran comrades of the NPC to consult each other and discuss ways of doing a good job in the work of the NPC. After that, he also presided over the meeting of the director (enlargement), clarified his duties according to law, adjusted the division of work among other deputy directors and clarified that a deputy director presided over the daily work. In support of the NPC’s exercise of its functions and powers in accordance with the law, he said that an important meeting of mortal people or major issues under study should be attended on time, except under special circumstances. Important activities scheduled by the NPC
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无论是奥巴马还是张曼玉,在摄影师Terry Richardson的镜头下他们都变成了白墙闪光灯前的时尚之王。而Yashica T系列口袋相机则成了Terry名扬海外的符号性工具,究竟这台相机有
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
小儿睾丸及其附件扭转(附35例报告)临沂市人民医院(276003)陈常法解恒条逯元君1987年7月~1996年10月,我院收治小儿睾丸扭转24例、睾丸附件扭转11例,现报告如下。1临床资料本组年龄1~13岁,其中1~4岁14例、5~9岁8例、10~1... Ped
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