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当前,日益加剧的水资源危机已成制约全球经济继续发展的重大因素。1995年8月18日在瑞典斯德哥尔摩召开的“面向21世纪的全球水资源保护”会议上,来自60多个国家的500多名水问题专家就全球12亿人严重缺少饮用水这一问题发出紧急呼吁,为人类面临的这一严重的生存危机又一次敲起了警钟。 我国是一个水资源贫乏的国家,人均占有量仅是世界人均占有量的1/4。在国内,华北地区及我省情况更为严重。人均占有量是国内平均值的1/4~1/5。是世界平均值的1/25。水资源的缺少不仅阻碍着我省工农业的继续发展,在饮用水方面也构成了极大的威胁。为调剂国内水资源分布的严重不均。前几年国内出台了南水北调的构想,并进行了多方面的论证。几年来,南水北调形成了东线和中线两个输水方案。东线因出现了水污染问题,因而中线成为当前国内专家看好的方案。实施中线方案,我省不能受益,日益加剧的水荒将长期无望解决。在此严竣的情势下,山东省科技战略研究所赵衍庚同志会同省内各方面的74位科技人员在充分考证了中、东两个方案的利弊之后,提出了南水北内的“中、东线结合方案”,即从湖北省与河南省交界的丹江口坝下引江水到淮北平原,经许昌、菏泽入东平湖,在位山过黄河至天津、北京,全程自流输水,形成中东线结合输水总干渠。同时? At present, the deepening water crisis has become a major factor that constrains the continued development of the global economy. At the meeting on “Global Water Resources Protection for the 21st Century” held in Stockholm, Sweden on August 18, 1995, more than 500 water experts from over 60 countries made an urgent appeal on the serious lack of drinking water in 1.2 billion people around the world , Another wake-up call for this serious crisis of human existence. My country is a water-poor country with only 1/4 of the world average per capita. In China, the situation in North China and our province is even more serious. The average per capita is 1/4 ~ 1/5 of the national average. It is 1/25 of the world average. The lack of water resources not only hinder the continuous development of industry and agriculture in our province, but also constitute a tremendous threat to drinking water. To adjust the distribution of domestic water resources, serious uneven. A few years ago, China promulgated the concept of South-to-North Water Diversion and carried out many aspects of the demonstration. In recent years, the South-to-North Water Diversion has formed two water conveyance schemes in the east and midline. Due to the water pollution problem in the east line, the midline has become a promising solution for current domestic experts. Implementation of the midline program, our province can not benefit, the growing water shortage will be no hope of long-term solution. In this austere situation, Comrade Zhao Yangeng, together with the 74 scientific and technological personnel in various aspects of the province, conducted a comprehensive study of the pros and cons of the two programs in the two provinces in the south, East line combination program ", that is, from the junction of Hubei Province and Henan Province, Danjiangkou dam under the dredging of the river to the Huaibei Plain, Xuchang, Heze into Dongping Lake, the bit over the Yellow River to Tianjin, Beijing, the whole gravity flow, the formation of the Middle East Line combined with the main canal water. Simultaneously?
近几年来 ,在阿普歇伦半岛含油气区的几个油田一直进行着提高采收率微生物方法的矿场试验 ,其基础是利用内含大量微生物活性组分的培养液。为了对这一过程进行比较深入的研究
我国是世界上地质灾害最严重的国家之一。近年来我国每年因地质灾害造成 10 0 0人左右死亡、上百亿元财产损失 ,严重制约着地质灾害多发区的国民经济发展 ,威胁着人民生命财
各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅(教委),计划单列市教育局,新疆生产建设兵团教育局:  为深入贯彻落实全国职业教育工作会议精神和全国人大常委会职业教育法执法检查有关要求,推动职业院校以强化教育教学管理为重点,全面贯彻落实国家有关政策、制度、标准和要求,不断提高管理工作规范化、科学化、精细化水平,加快实现学校治理能力现代化,现将《职业院校管理水平提升行动计划(2015-2018年)》印发给你们,请认真贯彻
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