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在“千楼一面”的城市建筑“克隆”之风尚未泛滥前,行至某地,让人顷刻间心明眼亮的,往往是那些个性鲜明的建筑,打量的第一眼,常常会在心里发出“这楼真漂亮”之类的惊叹,继而探究、心喜。因而我一直认为,城市旅游的根本,就是去跟不同风格的建筑邂逅,跟人打交道反而次之。虽说一方水土养一方人,但个体的人差异实在太大,不可概而论之,而惟独融合了当地地域文化和民族习俗精髓的建筑,才是一座城池去伪存真的本原和魂灵。 In the “one thousandth floor side ” urban architecture “cloning ” before the wind has not flooded, to somewhere, people a moment of bright eyes, often those distinctive architecture, looked at the first, often Issued in the heart “This building is really beautiful,” the kind of exclamation, and then explore, happy. So I always think that the fundamental city tourism, is to go to meet with different styles of buildings, dealing with people second. Although water and soil grow on the one side, the difference between individuals is too great. It can not be generalized. Only the architecture that integrates the essence of local culture and ethnic custom is the essence and soul of a city to falsehood.
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2005年11月1日,在最高人民检察院召开的全国检察机关建立行贿犯罪档案查询系统工作会议上,要求全国各地检察机关在年底前建成涉及建设、金融、教育、医药卫生系统和政府采购部门的行贿犯罪档案查询系统,到2006年1月1日起正式对外受理查询。  “建立行贿犯罪查询系统,开展公开查询,找到了运用法律和经济手段防范职务犯罪特别是贿赂犯罪的办法。”最高人民检察院副检察长王振川在接受记者采访时表示,检察机关建立
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