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许多棉区使用杨树枝条诱蛾进行棉铃虫的预测预报或防治以来,至今尚来看到较有系统的报导。作者在1959,1964—1965年试验结果,与“棉铃虫预测预报办法”(农业部植保局,1959。棉病虫发生规律及其预测预报办法,27页)以及大面积使用技术有些出入,现报导于下,以供参考。 杨树枝诱蛾的效果 预测预报效果 使用杨树枝条能诱到鳞翅目成虫十余种,其中棉铃虫的诱集量较大。1965年在一类棉田设20把杨树枝,自6月12日至9月3日共诱到棉铃虫蛾1,979头,其中雌蛾1,427头,占72.1%。 从图1看出,杨树枝诱蛾与田间棉铃虫产卵的消 Since many cotton moths used poplar branches and moths to forecast or control cotton bollworm, more systematic reports have still been seen so far. The results of the experiment between 1959 and 1964-1965 are somewhat different from the methods of forecasting and forecasting cotton bollworm (Plant Protection Bureau of Ministry of Agriculture, 1959. Rules and prediction of cotton diseases and pests, page 27) Reported below, for reference. Poplar branch moth effect prediction and forecasting The use of poplar branches can attract more than ten species of Lepidoptera adults, including bollworm trap larger. In 1965, 20 poplar branches were planted in a kind of cotton field, and 1,979 bollworm moths were induced from June 12 to September 3, of which 1,427 were female, accounting for 72.1%. As can be seen from Figure 1, Populus trichocarpa and field cotton bollworm spawning consumption
一、病案管理的现状 病案是病人在住院期间的医疗档案,是医院和医务人员在为病人服务时所作的客观文字记录,是医患双方构成的医疗契约与合同,也是医疗的重要依据。因此,各级
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六十年代以来,柑桔红蜘蛛[Panonychus citri(McG)]严重威胁柑桔生产,且对多种农药产生抗性,化学防治有困难,防治费用较高。为寻求经济、安全、高效的防治途径,我们从1974年
目的 强化控制医院感染意识,减少医院感染。方法 加强医务人员的职业道德教育和增强医务人员的法制观念。结果 提高医务人员安全卫生意识和依法行医观念。结论 医院感染管理