一场图片电影 〈暗流〉故事的拍摄

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这组片子的构思脱胎于我在初中时创作的一部小说,名字就叫《暗流》,讲述了一个关于特工和夜女郎的爱情故事。那时我极其着迷007那样的谍战特工题材,所以这部小说中的人物自然也免不了在利益、陷阱、矛盾、责任、危机、爱情中纠葛。帅哥特工,外加性感女郎,从艳遇、相爱到割舍、离开,人物内心世界地刻画就显得颇费功力。虽然当时的小说最终未能出版,但现在想来,多年后竟可以用图片的方式将它还原,也是一件很值得欣喜的事。 The idea of ​​the film was born of a novel I wrote while in junior high school. The name is called “Undercurrents” and tells a love story about agents and night girls. At that time, I was extremely fascinated by the subject of spy war agents like 007, so the characters in this novel naturally inevitably entangled in interests, traps, conflicts, responsibilities, crises and love. Handsome agents, plus sexy girl, from the Aventure, love to give up, leave, character inner world portrayed quite skill. Although the novel was not published at the time, it is also something delightful to think of now that it can be restored in pictures after many years.
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