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1该有人出来提醒一下时间了。范志伟站了出来:“各位亲爱的朋友,告诉大家一个好消息,离熄灯时间还有3分钟!”话音刚落,蜂窝爆炸了,世界沸腾了。在这3分钟的时间里,大量的工作紧锣密鼓地进行,节奏间不容发。刷牙、洗脚、收拾床铺、脱衣服……杨威抓了一沓手纸冲向楼道尽头的那个小厕所排队去了。一群脑袋围定了宿舍门口的月季花,又吐又喷。牙刷在牙缸里哐哐响老半天,然后毫不犹豫地将废水泼在了花上。本来,作为鲜艳夺目的月季花,来到这个世上,是为了带来优雅和美 1 Someone came out to remind you of the time. Fan Zhiwei stood out: “Dear friends, tell you a good news, there are 3 minutes from the lights off!” "Voice faded, cellular explosion, the world boiled. In these three minutes, a great deal of work is going on in full swing, with no tempo between them. Brush your teeth, feet, clean up the bed, undress ... ... Yang Wei grabbed a piece of paper towels toward the end of the corridor that little toilet line up to go. A group of heads around the dormitory dormitory door rose, spit and spray. Toothbrush ring in the toothpick ring old for a long time, and then did not hesitate to pour the waste on the flowers. Originally, as a colorful eye-catching rose, came to this world, is to bring elegance and beauty
BACKGROUND: Complex learning tasks result in a greater number of paradoxical sleep phases, which can improve memory. The effect of paradoxical sleep deprivation
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A 57-year-old woman with AL-amyloid deposits in the heart, gastrointestinal tract and the liver developed ulcerative colitis, which was treated with glucocortic
If you ask where do young people gather most and stay the longest nowadays,many people will blurt out a word without thinking, the campus. If you ask where do
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