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编者按】正如作者所言:“坐在考生考场凳子上,是我们的立足点,想在考生答题困惑处,是我们的切入点。”继1998年七、八期合刊《中学生考场作文指导与训练》之后,我们还将编辑1999年七、八期合刊《中学生考场阅读指导与训练》,并争取于1999年2月底前出版... Editor’s note: As the author puts it, “Sit on the exam bench of the candidate. It is our foothold. If you want to answer your questions, it is our starting point.” Following the 1998 July-September issue of the “Student’s Examination Room Composition Guide After training, we will also edit the seventh and eighth editions of the ”Secondary Students Reading Guide and Training" in 1999 and strive to publish it before the end of February 1999...
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对于下岗者而言,多一份本事,就多一份再就业的希望. 当上餐厅见习助理的中学教师一年前还是中学教师的陈露眼下的心情实在很难用语言表达:下岗、失业、再入学、再就业,这一年