真实的刘海粟 真实的震撼——与简繁谈《沧海》

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丁寺钟:一年多来,美术界都在热谈你的《沧海》。据说,这部洋洋一百三十余万字的巨构,因为涉及大多当事人的隐秘,一出版就很走俏,所以市场上几乎买不到。谢谢你送了我一套书。老实说,超过100万字的大部头我很少能读完,而《沧海》却是一口气读完的。现在这部书不在我的手里,朋友间传来传去不知道传到哪里去了。读完《沧海》,我首先被其真实性强烈地震撼了。这次你为了修订《沧海》,专程从美国回来,我想问你几个大家关心的问题。首先,作为一位画家,又身处美国那样一个物质至上、金钱决定一切的国度,你中断了绘画和一切社会交往,历时5年,闭门写作,可能有你的初衷。简繁:实际上;这件事情我已经准备很久了。我自1979年跟随刘海粟攻读中国画硕士学位;1982年研究生毕业经刘海粟提名留校给他做助手,至1985年调去深圳大学,前后长达6年时间。此后,1988年陪他十上黄山。1990年又在美国洛杉矶相遇,一起“走一世界”。从成为刘海粟研究生的最初一刻起,我就有明确的使命感,要记录下与他的每一次谈话,接触和他周围的人和事。最初没有条件的时候我做笔记,有了条件之后做录音同时做笔记,前后做了二十多万字的笔记;录有刘海粟谈话128盒磁带。1995年的9月我专程从美国洛杉矶返回中国访问夏伊乔,先在香港,后 Ding Temple bell: For more than a year, the art world is talking about your “sea.” It is said that this one hundred and thirty thousand words of giant architecture, because it involves most of the parties secret, a very popular publication, so the market can hardly buy. Thank you for sending me a book. Honestly, I can rarely finish reading the bulk of more than 1 million words, and “sea” is finished in one breath. Now this book is not in my hand, passed between friends to do not know where to go. After reading The Sea, I was first strongly shocked by its authenticity. This time you are trying to come back from the United States in order to revise the “sea of ​​clouds.” I would like to ask you a few questions that everyone cares about. First, as an artist, living in a country where the United States is materialist and money determines everything, you have interrupted painting and all social interactions for five years and you may have your mind behind the scenes. Jane: Actually, I’ve been prepared for this thing for a long time. I studied Chinese master’s degree with Liu Haisu since 1979. I graduated from a graduate school in 1982 with the nomination of Liu Haisu for his assistant and transferred to Shenzhen University in 1985 for about 6 years. Since then, in 1988 to accompany him on the top ten Huangshan. Meet again in Los Angeles in 1990, together “go the world.” From the very beginning of becoming a graduate student of Liu Haisu, I have a clear sense of mission, to record every conversation with him, contact and people and things around him. When I did not have any conditions at first, I took notes. After making the conditions, I made notes while making notes. I made more than 200,000 words of notes before and after. There were 128 boxes of tapes recorded by Liu Haisu. In September 1995, I made a special trip back to China from Los Angeles, the United States to visit Shea Joey, first in Hong Kong and later
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