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1984年在城市体制改革基础上,潍坊市重新修订了城市总体规划。新的城市总体规划明确了住宅建设以旧城改造为主的方针。这是因为新区建设存在着城市膨胀,土地浪费,劳动就业难和配套工程跟不上等问题,而旧城居住区存在着房屋残破、环境恶化、人口下降的败落问题,二次开发潜力很大。按照这一方针,1985年开始,在工人新村和南巷子两个旧街坊进行改造试点。主要规划指标如表1 一九八六,扩大规模在六个旧城地段改造建设,主要指标见表2 目前,潍坊市旧城居住区改造详细规划,一般 In 1984, on the basis of urban system reform, Weifang City revised the overall urban plan. The new master plan for the city clearly defines the principle of the renovation of residential buildings in the old city. This is because there are problems such as urban expansion, waste of land, difficulty in employment, and difficulties in supporting projects in the construction of the new district. However, in the old urban residential areas, there are problems of housing degradation, environmental deterioration, and demographic decline. The potential for secondary development is great. . In accordance with this principle, starting from 1985, pilot renovations were carried out in the two old neighborhoods of Workers Village and Nanxiangzi. The main planning indicators are shown in Table 1 and 1986. The scale of the expansion has been reconstructed and built in the six old urban areas. The main indicators are shown in Table 2. Currently, the detailed planning for the renovation of residential areas in the old city of Weifang City is general.
许多发达国家和发展中国家在通过就业促进法减少失业、促进经济社会和谐发展方面,已经经历了较长的时间,积累了一定的经验,值得我们借鉴。 Many developed and developing c
所教无异父亲:“孩子,我最担心的是你的成绩,你总是班上最后一名。”儿子:“没关系,爸爸。对第一名和最后一名,老师教的东西完全一样。” Teachless father: “Children, I
Not long ago,the government agencies concerned in South Korea held a symposium on how to overcome the economic depression and increase the effects of ads.Beside