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一、引言关于历史时期中国野象的研究,前人做了许多工作,并且取得了不少成绩。但由于当时作者的着眼点不同,因此对野象在历史时期分布的范围、野象分布变迁的情况及其原因,看法还有差别。我们在前人工作的基础上,试从历史动物地理的角度出发,初步整理分析了历史文献,结合地理、动物、考古、文物、甲骨文、金石等方面的资料,辅以云南西南部等地的调查访问,着重探讨近六、七千年来中国野象分布的变迁及其原因,也许不是无益的。限于水平,错误恐所难免,敬希指正。 I. INTRODUCTION With regard to the research on the Chinese elephants in history, many previous work has been done and many successes have been achieved. However, due to the different focus of the author at that time, there are still some differences in the distribution of wild elephants in the historical period, the distribution of wild elephants and their causes. Based on the work of previous generations, based on the historical animal geography, we systematically analyzed and analyzed the historical documents, combined with the data on geography, animals, archeology, artifacts, oracle bone, stone and other materials, supplemented by places such as southwestern Yunnan Survey visit, focusing on the past six or seven years the distribution of Chinese elephant and its causes may not be useless. Limited to the level of errors are inevitable, Jing Xi correct.
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元宵节,Lily和伙伴们一起去逛灯会,猜灯谜。  嘿,今年的灯谜增加了英语的脑筋急转弯呢!你能答对几个呢?试一试吧!  1.what words have the most letters in it?( )  2.what has hands but no feet,have face but no eyes,tells but doesn’t talk?( )  3.what can run
唐:前一段时间帮您编辑《范曾临八大山人》画集,还是比较有感触,以您目前的书画成就还在不断地向传统膜拜,向中国历史上的书画巨匠学 Don: Some time ago to help you edit