A modeling GUI for accelerator physics of the storage ring at SSRF

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhxg1030
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In this paper,we report a MATLAB-based GUI tool,bodgui,which integrates functions of lattice editor,linear match,and nonlinear optimization,and visualized tracking functions for beam optics design.A user can switch his/her design procedures one to another.Flexibilities are provided for adjusting or optimizing the lattice settings in commissioning or operation of the accelerators.The algorithm of the linear match and nonlinear optimization,and the GUI windows including the main functions and running status,are presented.The SSRF storage ring was employed as a test lattice.Several optics modes designed and optimized by the GUI tools were used for commissioning the storage ring.Functions of bodgui tool are machine-independent,and it can be well applied to modern light sources being built in other parts of the world. In this paper, we report a MATLAB-based GUI tool, bodgui, which integrates functions of lattice editor, linear match, and nonlinear optimization, and visualized tracking functions for beam optics design. A user can switch his / her design procedures one to another . Flexibilities are provided for adjusting or optimizing the lattice settings in commissioning or operation of the accelerators. The algorithm of the linear match and nonlinear optimization, and the GUI windows including the main functions and running status, are presented. The SSRF storage ring was employed as a test lattice. Semiconductor optics modes designed and optimized by the GUI tools were used for commissioning the storage ring. Functions of bodgui tool are machine-independent, and it can well well to modern light sources being built in other parts of the world .
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