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小学数学教学中激发学生学习兴趣是非常重要的环节,兴趣的培养是一个重要的方面,兴趣能激发大脑组织,加工有利于发现事物的新要素,并进行探索创造。我在充分发挥教师的主导作用的前提下,对激发学生兴趣谈几点体会。一、观察能力的培养,学习兴趣的产生观察能力是认识事物,增长知识的重要能力,是智力因素构成的重要部分。在小学数学教学中必须引导学生掌握基本的观察方法,学会在观察时透过事物表象,抓住本质,发现规律,达到不断获取知识、培养能力、发展智力的目的。我认为人们对知识的认识和积累都是通过观察实践而得到 Primary school mathematics teaching to stimulate students interest in learning is a very important part of the interest is an important aspect of training, interest can stimulate brain tissue, processing is conducive to the discovery of new elements of things, and to explore to create. I give full play to the leading role of teachers under the premise of stimulating students interested to talk about some experience. First, the observation of the ability to cultivate the interest in learning Observe ability to recognize things, an important ability to increase knowledge is an important part of intellectual factors. In primary school mathematics teaching, we must guide students to master the basic observation methods, learn to observe the essence through the appearance, to grasp the law, to achieve the purpose of continuous access to knowledge, training ability, development of intelligence. I think people’s understanding and accumulation of knowledge are obtained by observing the practice
备考提示阅读写人记事的散文,要从把握其结构入手,首先分析文章写了什么人、哪些事,表现了怎样的思想感情,然后分析文章使用了哪些表现手法,主要是描写人物的各种手法,如 Pr
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