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今年大年初一,青海省20多名残疾孤儿在民政部“明天计划”定点医院——天津泰达医院实施手术治疗康复后返回青海,途经北京转车。李学举部长,李立国、姜力副部长邀请他们到民政部机关作客,共度新春佳节。小朋友们返回青海后给李学举部长写了一封感谢信,并随信寄来他们亲自制作的小礼物。李学举部长得知孩子们康复得很好,非常高兴,并回信。值此“六一”儿童节到来之际,公开发表李学举部长的回信,以表达民政部领导对全国生活在儿童福利机构的小朋友们和分散在城乡社区生活的所有孤儿小朋友们的节日慰问。 This year’s New Year’s Day, more than 20 disabled orphans in Qinghai Province, Ministry of Civil Affairs “Tomorrow Plan” designated hospital - Tianjin TEDA Hospital surgical treatment of rehabilitation and return to Qinghai, via Beijing transfer. Li Xueguo, Li Li-kuo and Jiang Li, the vice minister, invited them to visit the organs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to spend the Spring Festival. After returning to Qinghai, the children wrote a thank-you letter to Minister Li Xue-ju and sent them a small gift they personally made. Minister Li Xueju learned that the children have recovered well, are very happy, and reply. On the occasion of the “June 1” Children’s Day, a letter from Minister Li Xueju was sent back to convey the holiday condolences of the leaders of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to the children living in children’s welfare institutions across the country and all the orphans and children scattered in the urban and rural communities.
全椒县地处皖东丘陵区 ,为转变生态经济增长方式 ,寻求突破发展 ,持之以恒地进行低山区科学开发和合理利用 ,已形成“山顶植树、山腰栽果、山坎栽桑种茶、山下建设稳产高产粮
由微软ATC管理中心主办的“第1届微软ATC教育展示会暨计算机高级教育展”在微软(中国)有限公司的支持下 ,于上海交通大学浩然科技大厦一楼展览厅及报告厅隆重举行。本次活动的主题是“
In this paper,resistance spot welding were performed on 1mm-thickness magnesium AZ31B plates.The effect of welding current on the microstructure and tensile she
对于指数函数y=a~x(a>0,a≠1),当0 0, a ≠ 1), monotonically decreasing over the domain (-∞, + ∞) when 0
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