The paper proposes a novel H∞ load frequency con-trol (LFC) design method for multi-area power systems based on an integral-based non-fragile distributed fixed-order dynamic output feedback (DOF) tracking-regulator control scheme. To this end, we consider a nonlinear interconnected model for multi-area power systems which also include uncertainties and time-varying communication delays. The design procedure is formu-lated using semi-definite programming and linear matrix in-equality (LMI) method. The solution of the proposed LMIs re-ts necessary parameters for the tracking controllers such that the impact of model uncertainty and load disturbances are min-imized. The proposed controllers are capable of receiving all or part of subsystems information, whereas the outputs of each con-troller are local. These controllers are designed such that the resi-lient stability of the overall closed-loop system is guaranteed. Sim-ulation results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the pro-posed scheme. Simulation results quantify that the distributed (and decentralized) controlled system behaves well in presence of large parameter perturbations and random disturbances on the power system.