
来源 :少年博览·下旬刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dl_smh
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  Little Jeffrey always missed his friends and neighbors, missed the days they spent together, and even wondered where they had been.
  He missed Paul, his best friend in the kindergarten, who had plucked a large white feather from his wing for Jeffrey as a gift, because Jeffrey admired his wings. Paul promised that he would take Jeffrey to fly in the sky when he had learned how to fly. Yet, where had he gone now?
  And he missed George, the strongest boy in the kindergarten, who loved sunshine. Under the sun, the chloroplasts in his skin cells would work, which made him energetic. He needed only mineral water on sunny days, and took food only in rainy days.
  Jeffrey’s neighbor Grace was the most beautiful girl he had never seen. Her flowing pale blonde hair, ice-blue eyes, smooth skin, delicate features, and transparent wings made her look like a fairy. She sang like a nightingale and danced like a butterfly. There were so many boys wanting to date her, and thus so many flowers laid outside her door.
  All were so cool, so special, and so nice. But, where had they been now?
  “They had been to another world,” said Oliver, Jeffrey’s father, “because their genes were much easier to mutant than ours. Cancer and leukemia arose from rays of the massive solar flare. Our family are the only survivors here, maybe the only survivors in our country. I’ve tried to contact other survivors by radio, hoping to find some.”
  Jeffrey couldn’t tell why father valued natural human genes so much. Jeffrey’s parents were both biologists with genes unmodified. So did Jeffrey’s genes. Jeffrey used to admire his friends and neighbors, who had special appearances and skills, while he was so plain. He was always teased by other children in the kindergarten because of his mediocrity. He had complained that his parents hadn’t modified his genes like other parents.
  杰弗里一直不知道爸爸为什么这么重视天然的人类基因。他爸爸妈妈都是生物学家,从没做过基因改造。杰弗里也没做过。杰弗里一直很羡慕他的朋友和邻居,因为他们的外貌与众不同,身手非凡,跟他们相比,他是那么不起眼。因为他的平凡,他总是被幼儿园里的其他小孩嘲笑。他曾经跟父母抱怨,为什么他们不像其他父母那样,给他做基因改造。   “Most people had their genes modified nowadays, and pure natural human genes are very rare. We couldn’t let natural human genes disappear. Maybe transgenic people are more intelligent, vigorous and beautiful than us, and they are more delicate than us.” It was Oliver’s reply. But Jeffrey hadn’t understood him at all.
  More than one century ago, when transgenic technology was just applied to human, only a small group of people had their genes modified slightly to root out their genetic diseases. These people were as well as normal human in essence, and these genetic modifications had no side effect for it didn’t change natural genes much.
  When people found they could improve their constitutions, and have the features and characteristics they wanted by genetic modifying, genetic modifications were widely used to human. Many parents had their children’s genes modified when they were still fertilized eggs so that they wouldn’t fall behind at the starting line.
  Large number of genetic modifications made people more diversified, but made their genes unstable and easy to mutant, and what’s worse, the damage of their DNA couldn’t be self-repaired. It often happened that transgenic people had cancer and leukemia caused by ultraviolet light in sunlight and chemical substances in cosmetics ever since decades ago.
  What’s more, reproductive isolation appeared in transgenic people led to their being prevented from having children with natural people for their genes had changed too much. Therefore, transgenic people had to clone themselves to have children, excepted that they could marry another transgenic person with similar genes, which was like looking for a needle in a haystack. And the rays of solar flare last year caused almost all transgenic people to die of cancer and leukemia.
  Thereafter, Jeffrey’s parents took to learn how to use solar generator, grow vegetables, gain and chickens, angle, and purify the river water for drinking. They began to prepare rations after harvest, load food and drinking water onto their solar motor home, and readied their guns for possible beast of prey.   在那之后,杰弗里的父母开始学习怎么使用太阳能发电机,怎么种蔬菜和粮食,怎么养鸡,怎么钓鱼,怎么把河水净化成饮用水。在收获季之后,他们开始准备行李,把食物和饮用水装上他们的太阳能房车,还带上了枪,以防遇到猛兽。
  Oliver often regretted that he started too late to contact others, for internet and telephone system were paralyzed because there’s no operator. He tried to broadcast the message about their address by ham radio, yet no reply, and nobody found back.
  “Dad, where shall we leave home for? Looking for our old friends and neighbors?”
  “No. They have left us forever. We are hoping to find some new friends, someone with natural genes like us.”
  “Where are they?”
  “I don’t know. Actually, I don’t even know whether there existent, but we must go searching. Maybe you would have grown up by that time. We can’t let human extinct.”
  “Shall we go far away?”
  “Yes, it’s a long way to go. We are like survivors drifting on the sea, with the hope of meeting our companions. I wish we could live to find them. Bring your Robinson Crusoe, which I could read you on the journey.”
“各位,一年一度的灾害大会开始了。众所周知,灾害王国的国王是每年都变换的,评选国王的标准是对人类伤害的程度。今年,灾害王国的国王是雾霾先生,恭迎!”  雾霾先生和他的得力助手PM2.5得意扬扬地登场了。  台下叽叽咕咕炸开了锅。“他?不可能!”“他对人类的伤害程度不可能比我还深!”“凭什么让他当国王?”大家都不服气。  主持人拿着麦克风说起了雾霾先生的丰功伟绩:“2013年,雾霾先生成为人们重点议
我国鸟类资源丰富,冬季观鸟有不少好去处,一般说来,有大湖的地方就大有可观之处。限于篇幅,我们就只能介绍如下“佳中的绝佳”了。  草海:上下都是天堂  观鸟时间:每年的11月到次年的4月初  观赏级别:青铜级  草海不是海,坐落在威宁县城西郊,是贵州最大的天然淡水湖,与青海湖、滇池齐名。海拔2171.7米,覆盖面积保持在30平方公里以上,素以“高原明珠”著称。  草海四面青山环抱,林木茂密,水天一色
愉快的心情,内心的满足,是人们努力追求的一种快乐。快乐并不是随叫随到的,幸福也没有想象的那么简单,随着年龄的增长,烦恼不断地变多。那么,你的情绪总是情不自禁地低落,不快乐的原因又是什么呢?赶紧来做一个心理测试看看吧!  1、你对衣服,鞋子,裤子,最讲究哪一样?  裤子→2 衣服→3 鞋子→4  2、夹心饼干,你喜欢怎么吃?  把两片饼干分开,先吃奶油→3 整块一起吃→4 把两片饼干分开,先吃饼干→
聪明的人和愚笨的人有一个很不同的地方——聪明人觉得,除了自己,周围都是聪明人,而愚笨的人觉得,除了自己,大家都是愚蠢的人。  因此,聪明的人吸取他人之长,愈加聪明;愚蠢的人摒弃他人之识,更加愚笨。  这是一个关于见识的问题,也是一个关于互惠的问题。说白了,就是我知道你的好,你了解我的善,我们互相吸取长处,共同进步。  自古以来,大同世界都是每个人的梦想。生活在路不拾遗,财富共分的世界,多么舒坦。然
一千多年前,诗人陶渊明的笔下,那只于晚照中翩然归来的鸟儿,和那个“悠然见南山”的人,心神契合,仿佛都在那幽静的山林中找到了自己的归宿。如今,观鸟活动风靡全球,身处喧哗闹市的人们,即便达不到“心远”的境界,也依然渴望着在鲜花绿丛中追寻飞鸟的脚步,洗净一身的繁杂。  不论是古人还是今者,他们不约而同地选择了鸟作为亲近自然的纽带,为何?  有人说,鸟,是造物主对大自然的恩赐。她们那样精致美丽,又那样灵动
“習”字是“习”字的繁体写法,由“羽”字和“白”字构成。“羽”指鸟的羽毛,借指鸟的翅膀;“白”字指的是白天。《说文解字》说:“习,数飞也。”是说“习”就是小鸟多次试飞的意思,说得更确切一点,是在白天练习飞翔。《礼记》中有“季夏之月,乃学习”的说法,意思是“小鸟在夏末就开始练习飞翔了”。“学习”这个看似很现代的词显然已相当古老,而且它指的是富有诗意的小鸟的试飞。  “习”字用得较多的除了“学习”以外
说到Excel,就是一款由很多小小单元格组成的,可以进行各种数据处理、统计分析等操作的电子表格办公软件。  可你知道吗?就是这么一个由单元格组成的办公软件也可以画图哦,不信,听小编细细道来。  相对于专业的绘图软件,Excel这种平民化的办公软件,仅需要一台电脑即可操作,而且上手简单,操作方便,着色也更为顺手。  打个比方,这就像是绣十字绣,着色点越密集,画面也就越细腻。想画出一幅高质量的表格画,
国庆节的假期过去了一半,我也甩了甩因写作业而劳累的手,放下了手中的笔,决定出去放松一下心情。到了郊外,我的心情十分愉悦,走着走着,便看到不远处的几个小朋友在认真仔细地放着风筝。他们的风筝图案十分精致漂亮:有黑白相间的小燕子,五彩缤纷的凤凰和栩栩如生的龙……看着这些颜色鲜艳,图案精致美丽的风筝在蔚蓝色的空中翱翔着,我的心不禁更加轻松。这时,我突然想起一个问题:风筝与线是什么关系呢?  我想了想,得出
吃过晚饭,我漫不经心地翻阅一本杂志,无意中听见厨房里妈妈跟小姑的对话:“明天去大圩玩,疏天然去吗?”“去,去!我一定要去!”我兴奋地大喊起来。大圩呀,那里的葡萄、草莓、蘑菇之类的玩意儿可好吃了,明天又可以采一篮子回来喽!  第二天中午,阳光明媚,空气清新,是个外出游玩的好日子。妈妈把衣服、被子拿出去洗晒过后已是下午两点,我们整装待发。  开车近半个小时,我们才来到大圩。波光粼粼的水塘,五颜六色的花
虽然已届耄耋之年,然而早年的一些采访经历,始终铭刻在心……  那一年的初秋时节,我满怀激情抵达延安。在一个阳光明媚的清晨,随着滔滔延河,逆水上行,来到了日夜思念的枣园。园内果木茂盛,植有核桃、苹果、李子、枣、杏以及洋槐、丁香等树。人们告诉我,春夏之间,花繁似火,香气袭人,此刻却是果实累累,压弯枝头。经过秋雨的洗涤,枝叶更翠,果实更鲜,整座园林生气勃勃,秋意盎然。  穿过林木茂盛的园林,跨过涓涓流淌