坚持党的群众路线 强化作风建设

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党的作风建设是党的建设的重要内容,是坚持群众路线、巩固党的执政基础的重要保证。党的十八大报告紧紧围绕当前党的作风建设的重点、难点和热点问题,提出了许多新思路新要求新举措,对新形势下大力弘扬党的优良传统和作风、坚持求真务实和密切联系群众具有深远而重大的现实意义。一、强化作风建设,坚持群众路线是我们党的重大政治任务1、从执政规律来看,要跳出历史周期律,必须强化党的作风建设,坚持群众路线。以史为镜, The building of the party’s style of work is an important part of party building and an important guarantee for adhering to the mass line and consolidating the party’s governing foundation. In the report of the 18th CPC National Congress, we focused closely on the major, difficult and hot issues in the party’s work style building and put forward many new ideas, new requirements and new measures. We must vigorously carry forward the party’s fine traditions and work style in the new situation, persist in seeking truth and being pragmatic It is far-reaching and of great realistic significance to keep close contact with the masses. First, strengthening the style of work and upholding the mass line are major political tasks for our party. 1 From the perspective of governing law, if we want to jump out of the historical cycle law, we must strengthen the Party’s work style and adhere to the mass line. History as a mirror,
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