The Sea

来源 :学生导报·东方少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovetianbing
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  What do you know about the sea? Some people have seen it but others haven’t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very rough(狂暴的)when there is a strong wind. What other things do you know about it?
  Of course, the sea is very large. In the world, there is more sea than land.
  If you swim in the sea, you will know that the sea is salty. Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea. Some places of the sea are saltier than the other places. Do you know the Dead Sea(死海)? It is so salty that you can’t sink when you are in the water! And fish cannot live in it!
  I really like the sea. My home is near the see and I love walking on the beach. Often, after dinner, I like going to the beach with my parents or friends. After sunset, the sea becomes so different from daytime. Walking without shoes feels great, because the sand is so soft. Sometimes, we will play games on the beach or make some sandcastles. It’s really funny.
  ( ) 1. All the people have seen the sea.
  ( ) 2. The sea always looks beautiful.
  ( ) 3. There is more sea than land.
  ( ) 4. The water in the sea is salty.
  ( ) 5. People can sink in the Dead Sea and fish can’t live in it.
  ( ) 1. _____ people have been to the sea.
  A. Some B. Al C. Only a few D. Very few
  ( ) 2. The sea looks beautiful in _____.
  A. the morning B. bad weather C. windy days D. fine weather
  ( ) 3. The salt in the sea comes from _____.
  A. the Dead Sea B. the land C. a river D. the rock under the sea
  ( ) 4. Fish cannot live in the Dead Sea because _____.
  A. the sea is dead B. the water is too salty
  C. there is no salt in it D. fish don’t like the name
  ( ) 5. Which of the four is true?
  A. There is more land than the sea in the world.
  B. There is no salt in some places of the sea.
  C. None of the people can swim in the Dead Sea.
  D. People can swim in the Dead Sea more easily than in other places.
  We like swimming in the sea.
  1. large
  2. look
  3. sunny
  4. live
  ___________________________________________________________________   5. carry
  Sea Horses
  There are __1__ kinds of horses in the world. But __2__ of them you can’t ride. It doesn’t live on the __3__, but in the sea. Its head __4__ like the head of a horse. So people call it a ‘sea horse’.
  In fact, the sea horse is a __5__ fish. It likes to live in warm water. A sea horses always stands __6__ in the water when it swims.
  Father sea horse carries the eggs to keep them __7__ in its pouch(育兒袋)until they hatch(孵化). When the eggs are hatched, the baby sea horses swim __8__.
  Sea horses are very lovely and we all like them.
  ( ) 1. A. all B. a C. an D. any
  ( ) 2. A. a B. one C. some D. both
  ( ) 3. A. sky B. sea C. land D. water
  ( ) 4. A. look B. looks C. see D. sees
  ( ) 5. A. huge B. small C. big D. happy
  ( ) 6. A. in B. on C. up D. off
  ( ) 7. A. safe B. happy C. good D. well
  ( ) 8. A. in B. on C. away D. with
  1-5 FFTTF
  1-5 ADBBD
  1. Our new classroom is very large.
  2. The boys is looking at a photo.
  3. It’s sunny outside. Let’s go for a picnic.
  4. I live in China.
  5. She carries an umbrella to school.
五年级终于飞也似地来到了,我非常高兴,因为五年级要去学农了!大前天,我就经历过这段梦寐以求的旅行,如果你想提前了解一下,就跟我来吧!  那天是周一 ,我们相继来到学校,笑声,喊声几乎响彻整个学校。有些同学拉着个行李箱,有些同学拎着大包小包,当然我也不例外。上了大巴,我们便怀着兴奋的心情和同学聊起了天。过了一个小时,我们抵达了目的地——安亭基地。  一开始,老师组织我们进寝室,领被套、床单等,因为我
日前,普陀区晋元高级中学附属学校的校园里热闹非凡,同学们迎来了一位神秘大来宾——被誉为“现场之王”、“当代福尔摩斯”的美籍华人李昌钰博士。  李昌钰博士是全球闻名的权威刑事鉴识专家。他从事刑侦工作56年,为46个国家破获8000多起案件,大力推动了鉴识科学在判案过程中的重要地位。  李博士此次造访晋元附校,和该校300余名学生共同参与了“我和梦想面对面”的节目录制。节目过程中,李博士为同学们简述了
本报讯 今年是杨浦区创建全国文明城区的启动年。10月9日下午,由区文明办、区教育局主办,区教师进修学院德育室和杭州路第一小学承办的“童心中的橘灯梦,童谣里的价值观”杨浦区中小学践行“社会主义核心价值观”童谣创编吟诵校本展示推进活动隆重举行。  杭一小学作为区域内诗歌教育的特色学校,在核心价值观童谣创编、吟诵上充分发挥了学校的特色和优势。杭一小学劳坚红校长做了《用童谣唱响核心价值观》汇报,介绍了杭一
主持人:明天就是重阳节了,重阳节又称“老人节”,人们提起这个节日,总是和尊老敬老联系在一起。那么今年的重阳节到来之际,我们的小朋友又会有哪些活动呢?  ●A同学:今年重阳节,我们会举行一个主题班会,每个同学在主题班会上进行三分钟小演讲,讲述自己亲身感受或发生在自己身边的父母、长辈真心付出、无私关爱子女,以及作为子女真诚回报、感恩于行的感人故事。我想讲一个爷爷和我的故事。有一天,我和爷爷都感冒了,我
本报讯 为进一步弘扬中华优秀传统文化,传承良好的家风家训,营造积极向上的育人环境,日前,上海市建平世纪中学举行第三教育署中小学生“小眼睛看我家,好家风我来讲”演讲比赛。  在比赛中,参赛的同学们结合自身成长的经历,和大家分享了对自己影响至深的“家风”以及他们对“家风”的理解。有的通过儿时的故事和身边的小事谈家风对自己的影响,有的引经据典谈家风的传承,或热情洋溢,或妙语连珠,他们用生动的语言、典型的
2015年10月13日,奉贤区纪念少先队建队66周年主题集会活动在育秀实验学校隆重举行。这次盛会以“铭记红色历史,永远跟党前行”为主题,展示了奉贤区少先队建设及“贤少年”的青春风采,更传承了少先队员和辅导员肩负使命、坚定前行的精神风貌。  在集会上,育秀的同学们表演了大合唱《听妈妈讲那过去的事情》、视频讲解《致先烈》等节目。最生动的是由学校辅导员顾陆洋老师执教的少先队微活动课《寻找身边的榜样》,短
不久前,田纳西布里斯托尔城迎来了一年一度的狗狗游泳周。主人们只需付3美元入场费,就能让自家汪星人在泳池里畅游一番。  游泳周里,每天下午,海因斯菲尔德泳池都会成为狗狗们的“专场”。这可乐坏了一众汪星人们。闷了一夏天,终于有机会解解暑了。看着它们撒着欢儿奔跑在泳池边,冲进泳池里,叼着玩具球玩得不亦乐乎,狗主人们也觉得这区区3美元花得真是物超所值。  据悉,这并不是布里斯托尔城第一次举办狗狗游泳周。在
演出时间:2015.10.30 周五 19:15 2015.10.31 周六 10:30 14:30  演出场馆:创智环境剧场  故事梗概:万圣节前夕,爱罗拉公主收到一封来自神秘古堡的邀请信。邀请信上写着请她在万圣节这天来参加一场非常有趣的古堡舞会,落款是“精灵王子”。可是爱罗拉公主并没有一个朋友或亲戚是叫精灵王子的呀!爱罗拉的父皇母后当然不允许她参加这样一场来历不明的舞会,但是调皮的爱罗拉根本就
9月3日的夜晚,在妈妈的连声催促下,兴奋无比的我终于停下了嘴边的唠叨,意犹未尽地躺上了床,辗转反侧了好一会儿才睡着。当然喽,能让我这样兴奋的,只有抗战胜利七十周年的大阅兵了!  那天早上,难以耐住心中激动的我,一大早就起床了,眼睛直直地盯着时钟,一到8点49分就立马挤到电视机前,用遥控器打开电视,开始收看直播。  在三军仪仗队到位之后,整齐划一的步兵阵列来了,每一个都是以抗日时期的英雄队伍命名的精
看了这个题目,有人也许会觉得奇怪:你这个小毛孩,跟大飞机还有什么关系?哈,猜不到了吧,我与大飞机还真有点缘份呢!  我虽是一名女生,但从小就是个飞机迷,看到天上有飞机飞过,我就立即驻足、抬头观看,兴奋得又蹦又跳。一有空余时间我就画飞机、做飞机模型,我的房间就像一个“飞机场”,到处都是形態各异、大小不一的“飞机”。别看它们都是用纸张、竹签、塑料薄膜做的,不能起飞,但都像模像样,这可都是我查电脑、看资