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“两会”期间,武汉钢铁集团总经理邓崎琳向媒体表示,2012年武钢将投入资金用于养猪种菜等非钢产业。邓崎琳称,这些并非突发奇想,而是钢企向“非钢”转型计划的一部分。一时间,“‘钢铁侠’养猪”成为了人们热议的话题。不能否认,近几年,中国钢铁工业处于了一个微利经营的困难境地,受铁矿石资源短缺、物流成本抬高等因素的影响,连续两年,中国钢铁生产行业年销售利润率已不到3%,远低于全国工业行业6%的平均利润水平,与此同时,我国钢铁企业还存在产能严重过剩的问题。有人称,目前1吨螺纹钢的价格大概是4700元,平均每公斤4.7元,而最便宜的猪肉每公斤已接近26元,1公斤钢材价格抵不上4两猪肉。调整结构是钢铁企业尽快走出市场“寒冬”的唯一办法,但是,向“非钢”产业转型是否意味着钢铁企业可以进入任何行业却值得商榷。作为央企,武钢专注于主营业务才是对出资方负责。而且,央企还应该在推动行业联合重组、淘汰落后产能、引领行业转型升级方面发挥带头作用。中国进出口钢材结构差异较大,进口高附加值钢材比例高,出口中低档钢材比例高。在目前惨淡的市场行情下,进入非钢产业只能是应急措施,武钢不妨在调整钢产品的品质结构方面多下工夫,不光要致力于多元化发展,还要狠抓主业,只有这样才能真正把企业做大做强。 During the “two sessions,” Deng Qilin, general manager of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, told the media that in 2012, WISCO will invest funds in non-steel industries such as raising vegetables and raising vegetables. Deng Qilin said that these are not sudden whims, but steel enterprises to “non-steel” part of the transformation plan. For a time, “Iron Man ” pig “has become a hot topic. It can not be denied that in recent years, China’s steel industry has been in a difficult situation with a meager profit. Due to the shortage of iron ore resources and the increase in logistics costs, the annual sales profit margin of China’s steel production industry has dropped below 3 for two consecutive years %, Much lower than the national average of 6% of the profits of the industry, at the same time, China’s iron and steel enterprises there is still a serious problem of excess capacity. Some people claim that the current price of 1 ton of rebar is about 4,700 yuan, an average of 4.7 yuan per kilogram, while the cheapest pork is nearly 26 yuan per kilogram. The price of 1 kilogram of steel can not amount to 4 or 2 yuan of pork. Adjustment of structure is the only way for steel companies to get out of the market as soon as possible. However, whether the transformation to the ”non-steel" industry means that steel enterprises can enter any industry is debatable. As a central enterprise, WISCO focuses on the main business is responsible for the sponsor. Moreover, the central enterprises should also play a leading role in promoting the joint reorganization of industries, eliminating backward production capacity and leading the transformation and upgrading of the industry. China’s import and export of steel structure vary greatly, the proportion of high value-added steel imported high, the proportion of low-grade steel exports high. In the current bleak market conditions, access to non-steel industry can only be an emergency measure, Wuhan Iron and Steel may wish to make more efforts to adjust the quality of steel products structure, not only to be committed to diversified development, but also pay close attention to the main industry, the only way to truly The business bigger and stronger.
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