实事求是 提高质量——学习《中学语文教学大纲》(修订本)体会

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一 1990年修订颁发的《全日制中学语文教学大纲》,对原大纲内容的调整主要有两个方面:一加强思想政治教育,二降低难度,减轻学生负担。进行思想教育,是语文教学的一个重要任务。中学语文科具有工具性和思想性的特点。“语文训练和思想政治教育二者是统一的,相辅相成的。语文训练必须重视思想政治教育;思想政治教育必须根据语文学科的特点,渗透在教学的过程中,起到潜移默化的作用。”《大纲》“教学目的”中的这段话,指出了语文教学的文道关系,贯彻文道统一的原则,是语文教学必须明确的基本观念。在语文教育中进行思想政治教育是关系语文教学方向的一个原则。语文课教一篇篇课文,学生不仅接受文章的语 A 1990 revision of the “full-time Chinese teaching syllabus”, the original outline of the content adjustment mainly has two aspects: First, to strengthen ideological and political education, second, to reduce the difficulty and reduce the burden on students. To carry out ideological education is an important task in Chinese teaching. Middle school language has instrumental and ideological characteristics. “Both language training and ideological and political education are unified and mutually reinforcing, and language training must attach importance to ideological and political education. Ideological and political education must play an subtle role in the process of teaching according to the characteristics of language science.” “Outline ”The purpose of teaching" in this passage, pointed out that language teaching language and literature relations, the principle of implementing the unity of language and literature, is the language teaching must be clear basic concepts. To carry out ideological and political education in Chinese education is a principle that is related to the teaching of Chinese. Language lesson taught an article, students not only accept the language of the article
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