The results of RAPD analysis of interspecific and intraspecific genetic variations among poplar, Populus tomentosa, Populus tomentosa and Populus simonii, the main tree species of Populus simonii, showed that the random amplified polymorphic DNA Part of them showed monomorphism, while three primers showed abundant polymorphism. All the primers amplified polymorphisms in four species. The phylogenetic tree established by statistical analysis also shows the possible phylogenetic relationships and phylogenetic relationships among the 4 species, as well as the genetic diversity within each species. This is of great significance for future genetic improvement of these species. In addition, the results of molecular classification are the same as those of the classical classification. Among the four tree species, the male poplar appeared first, the sweet poplar took second place, the fragrant poplar again, the young poplar the latest, the closest relationship between Populus euphratica and Fragrant poplar Therefore, in the past that Poplar and Sweet Yang kinship recent claims need to re-examine.