[总体阅读思考] 这是一篇介绍中山陵陵园建筑及其特征的说明文。可围绕以下问题进行思考: 一、本文是介绍中山陵的,为什么第二自然段用一多半的文字写钟山的地理形势、优美景色? 二、陵园的设计方案是怎样入选的?吕彦直设计的钟形图案有哪些特点? 三、第三自然段有这样一句话:“基本上达到了表现陵园庄严气氛和不朽精神的要求。”这句话有无毛病?如有该怎样修改?
[Overall Reading Thinking] This is an exposition explaining the architecture and characteristics of Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum. The following questions can be considered: First, this article introduces Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum. Why did the second paragraph use more than half of the text to write about Zhongshan’s geographical situation and beautiful scenery? Second, how was the design of the cemetery selected? Lu Yanzhi designed the clock What are the characteristics of the pattern? Third, the third paragraph of nature has such a sentence: “Basically achieved the majestic atmosphere of the mausoleum and the requirements of the immortal spirit.” Whether this sentence is wrong? If so how to amend?