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第一次讲孙犁同志的《山地回忆》时,学生在“议学”阶段提出这样一个问题:“老师,你曾说过写文章要入题快,不要兜圈子,这篇文章开头是否远了点儿?能否再压缩一下?即从第五自然段起笔,干脆说,那是一九四一年的冬天……”、我因备课时没把这个问题列入教学重点,课堂灵机一动,表示这个问题可以考虑.并说什么学习上就是要有这种敢于设疑的“创造精神”,不要迷信权威、大家.就这样,以文章开头部分可以“改一改”的结论,把此问题作结了,之后便引导学生进入了别的学习活动.尽管这个问题处理得不十分踏实,事后也没再去深思熟虑.第二次教《山地回忆》时,我自然想到了上述问题.出于对作家的敬重和信赖,我便自觉地研究了一下原文.此时我发现第一次教学完全是蔬忽.学生提出问题,确实是学习中肯于思考问题的表 When Comrade Sun Li’s “Memory of the Mountain” was first spoken, students asked such a question during the “learning” stage: “Teacher, you once said that you should write articles quickly, and don’t go in circles. Is the beginning of this article a little distant? Can the child be compressed again? That is, starting from the fifth natural segment, simply saying that it was the winter of 1941...“ I did not put this issue into the teaching focus when preparing for class. This question can be considered. And what to say in learning is to have this kind of ”creative spirit“ that dares to be suspicious, not to superstition of authority and everyone. In this way, the conclusion that the beginning of the article can be ”changed" can be considered as a problem. As a result, the students were then led into other learning activities. Although the problem was not handled very well, there was no further consideration afterwards. When I was teaching “Mountain Memory” for the second time, I naturally thought of the above problem. The writer’s respect and trust, I consciously studied the original text. At this time, I found that the first teaching was completely fruitful. The students asked questions, it is indeed a table to learn to think about the problem.
编辑同志: 学习之中,遇疑难问题,特书贵刊,盼予解答。一、高中英语试用本第二册四十七页,在讲到独立主格结构时,有一例: He sat there thinking,with his head on his hand.
式题计算中经常会遇到先求“中间”值的问题,教学中,若能指导学生灵活选取“中间”值,必会提高计算速度。 In the calculation of formula questions, we often encounter