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美籍物理学家杨振宁博士讲过 :“成功的秘诀是兴趣” ,任何人事业上的成功或工作上取得点滴成就 ,大都是从兴趣开始 ,是由爱的延伸所致 ,一般中学的学生最大特点是基础、素质、水平都很差 ,试想如果他们对外语学习没有兴趣 ,不爱学习 ,想让他们学好、学进去 ,是不可能的。从心 Dr. Yang Zhenning, an American physicist, said: “The secret of success is interest.” Anybody who has achieved success in business or achieved some accomplishments in his work, mostly starts with an interest and is caused by an extension of love. The average student in a secondary school is the largest. The characteristics are that the basics, qualities, and levels are all very poor. Imagine if they are not interested in foreign language learning and do not love to study. It is impossible for them to learn and learn. From the heart
China pledges to crack down on counterfeit products to Africa MANY people who have traveled in Africa and visited some of many Chinese retail outlets across th
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阿里巴巴、淘宝和支付宝不仅提供了无数的创业机会,也改变了无数普通中国人的生活。但是,马云正在走下神坛,曾经的教父和救世主身份的光环也渐渐褪去。 Alibaba, Taobao and
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IsaRaceofRobotsPossible?Agoodmanytechnicalpeoplebecomeangrywhenyoucallacomputeragiantbrain.Theyinsistthatcomputerdoesonlywhatt IsaRaceofRobotsPossible? Agoodmanytechnicalpeoplebecomeangrywhenyoucallacomputeragiantbrain. Theyinsistthatcomputerdoesonlywh