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巍巍清凉山,矗立延河边。山不算高,但爬到山顶,也要出一身汗。解放日报编辑部、新华社和中央印刷厂就设在半山的窑洞里。解放日报前任总编辑杨松,就长眠在山顶上的一棵松树下。我到延安后,还没有爬过这座山。当我爬上半山腰,在一个窑洞里,首先见到解放日报副总编辑余光生。余光生同志很热情,也很健谈。他向我介绍了解放日报的情况,说明了要我来报社的意图。他说:“整风以后,解放日报不但要很好地宣传中央的路线、方针、政策,而且要加强指导作用。现在报社对根据地的工作写不出文章来,根据地的新闻很多, Towering Qing Liangshan, stands Yan Yan River. Hill is not high, but climbed to the top of the mountain, but also a sweat. Jiefang Daily editorial department, Xinhua News Agency and the Central Printing Plant is located in the cave halfway home. Yang Song, former editor-in-chief of the Liberation Daily, slept under a pine tree on top of the hill. After I arrived in Yan’an, I had not climbed the mountain yet. When I climbed up the hillside in a cave, I first met Yu Guangsheng, deputy editor-in-chief of the Liberation Daily. Comrade Yu Guangsheng is very enthusiastic and very talkative. He briefed me on the situation of the Liberation Daily and explained the intention of coming to the newspaper. He said: "After the rectification process, the Jiefang Daily not only well publicizes the line, principles and policies of the Central Government, but also needs to strengthen its guiding role. Now the newspaper can not write any articles on the work of the base areas. According to many news sources,
罗燕  毕业于上海戏剧学院表演系,主演过多部电影,后赴美留学,获波士顿大学硕士学位。2001年作为总制片人,为环球影业公司制作电影《庭院里的女人》,成为第一个在好莱坞八大公司担任主制片及编剧的华人。    那天,我记得很清楚是八月三十日上午,友人急电,说张菊昨晚在健身房突然倒地不省人事,在医院抢救。天真的我以为不过是轻微脑震荡,去花店挑了她最喜欢的粉色花一大束,写上小卡:“馋你做的,等不急了”,想
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