Numerical simulation of a falling droplet surrounding by air under electric field using VOF method:A

来源 :中国化学工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:journey88
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This is a numerical study of a falling droplet surrounding by air under the electric field modeled with finite vol-ume method by means of CFD. The VOF method has been employed to model the two-phase flow of the present study. Various capillary numbers are investigated to analyze the effects of electric field intensity on the falling droplet deformation. Also, the effects of electric potential on the heat transfer coefficient have been examined. The obtained results showed that by applying the electric field at a capillary number of 0.2 the droplet tends to retain its primitive shape as time goes by, with a subtle deformation to an oblate form. Intensifying the electric field to a capillary number of 0.8 droplet deformation is almost insignificant with time progressing;however, fur-ther enhancement in capillary number to 2 causes the droplet to deform as a prolate shape and higher values of this number intensify the prolate form deformation of the droplet and result in pinch-off phenomenon. Ulti-mately, it is showed that as the electric potential augments the heat transfer coefficient increases in which for electric potential values higher than 2400 V the heat transfer coefficient enhances significantly.
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