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抗日战争时期,山西土皇帝阎锡山在看到抗日进步组织牺盟会决死队的力量不断壮大、对他的统治形成威胁时,便想遏制削弱它。所以,阎锡山配合蒋介石的第一次反共高潮,搞了一系列削弱、打击、遏制牺盟会决死队进步力量的反动活动。为了从组织上代替、控制进步力量,阎锡山搞了一个叫民族革命同志会的组织,阎自任会长,想驾凌于其他组织之上,并决定在1939年11月间召开民族革命同志会代表大会,想通过纲领,产生领导机构。当时晋东南没有这个组织,但也通知派代表参加,给了16个名额,军队和地方各半。代表团由长治牺盟中心区负责人王兴浪同志任团长(曾任全国供销总社主任),张天乙同志任副团长(心县牺盟中心区负责人,曾任山西省副省长"),我作为成员参加了这次会议。临行前,薄一波同志说,为了通过合法斗争在晋东南地区掌握其领导权,我们应多派代表参加。会议在陕西宜川秋林镇召开(第二战区所在地)。我们到达之后,牺盟总会负责同志讲了秋林的政治形势、阎锡山的阴 During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Emperor Yan Xishan, the earthen Emperor of Shanxi, wanted to curb its weakening when he saw the strength of the anti-Japanese progressive organization, the sacrificial death monarchy, growing continuously and threatening his rule. Therefore, in conjunction with Chiang Kai-shek’s first anti-Communist upsurge, Yan Xishan engaged in a series of reactionary activities that weakened, cracked down and deterred the progressive forces of the Xiesu Dorset team. In order to replace the organization and control the progressive forces, Yan Xishan engaged in a group called the National Revolutionary League, Yan Zizhen, wanted to drive over Lingling and decided to hold a national revolutionary comradeship in November 1939 Congress, want to adopt a program to produce a leading agency. At that time, there was no such organization in southeast Shanxi, but it was also informed to send representatives to attend it. It gave 16 places, half the army and one place. The delegation was headed by Comrade Wang Xinglang, head of the Changzhi Sacrifice Center District (former director of the National Federation of Supply and Marketing), comrade Zhang Tianyi (deputy head of the Xixian Sacrificial League Central Region, former vice governor of Shanxi Province, ) As a member, I participated in the meeting. Before his departure, Comrade Bo Yibo said that we should send more representatives to participate in the leadership of the Southeast of southeastern China through lawful struggles. The meeting was held in Qiulin Town, Yichuan, Shaanxi (The location of the second theater) .After we arrived, the sacrificial alliance general comrades told the political situation of Qiulin, Yan Xishan Yin
(一)1940年10月,我被分配到太行区太行山剧团工作。剧团原属太行区党委领导。1940年秋,成立了冀南、太行、太岳联合办事处(简称“联办”),主任杨秀峰。 (A) In October 194