
来源 :湖泊科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dnaln_xcl
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Another flood as heavy as that of 1954 and 1991 takes place in the Taihu Basin during the Plum Rain period, 1999. The precipitation amounts to 672. 8mm, which is the greatest ever recorded since 1928 in the basin. The water level in many stations rises up sharply, all higher than warning level. Some stations have recorded the highest levels in history. On July 8, the water level in Taihu lake (averaged by 5 stations around the Taihu Lake) reaches 5. 08m, which is 0. 42m and 0. 28m higher than those recorded in 1954 and 1991. The period that the level exceedsanti-flood level (4. 66m) has lasted more than one month, resulting a drowned area of more than 304 thousand ha. The direct loss has targeted 13. 2 billion yuan (RMB). After first-hand investigation in situ and analysising remote sensing data during the flood period, the authors bring forward some suggestion on the intergrated harnessing in the basin. Another flood as heavy as that of 1954 and 1991 takes place in the Taihu Basin during the Plum Rain period, 1999. The precipitation amounts to 672. 8mm, which is the greatest of recorded since 1928 in the basin. The water level in many stations Some stations have recorded the highest levels in history. On July 8, the water level in Taihu lake (averaged by 5 stations around the Taihu Lake) reaches 5. 08m, which is 0. 42m and 0. 28m higher than those recorded in 1954 and 1991. The period that the level exceedsanti-flood level (4. 66m) has lasted more than one month, resulting a drowned area of ​​more than 304 thousand ha. The direct loss has targeted After first-hand investigation in situ and analysising remote sensing data during the flood period, the authors bring forward some suggestion on the intergrated harnessing in the basin.
麝香是名贵中药材 ,但掺伪严重。文中使用了GC MS和顶空进样、固相微萃取进样结合 ,检测出了新的掺伪物质。
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