
来源 :江苏经济探讨 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuqinggang
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为了充分利用全省第三产业普查的重要成果,实施中央、省委省政府提出的名牌战略,加强对大中型企业的宣传力度,适应广大企业扩大知名度、提高市场占有率的需要,我们依据1993年实绩,参照1994年情况,从全省36.2万个三产企业单位中,综合评选出“江苏省第三产业200强企业”,提请省政府表彰,为全省三产发展树立一批排头兵,增强三产从业人员的自豪感,推动全省经济持续、快速、健康发展。现将情况介绍如下: 一、评选的范围 全省第三产业独立核算的具有法人资格的企业,包括批发、零售、交通、金融、保险、邮电、房地产、旅游娱乐、信息广告等方面。 二、评选的方法与特点 在充分调查研究、征求企业意见的基础上,我们于1994年11月22日发出了《关于综合评选江苏省第三产业200强企业的通知》,对入选单位提出了包括销售收入、利税、资产总额、同行业位次与影响力、经营作风、领导班子状态、治安状况等在内的11项考核要求。并针对不同行业设定了入选的量化指标。企业以1993年情况为依据,参照1994年情况,对照条件申报。主管局审批,市县三产办把关,省三产办再邀集各方面领导、专家进行综 In order to make full use of the important achievements of the province’s tertiary industry survey, the implementation of the brand strategy put forward by the central government, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and the strengthening of propaganda for large and medium-sized enterprises to meet the needs of the majority of companies to increase their visibility and market share, according to 1993 In terms of annual performance, referring to the situation in 1994, from the province’s 362,000 tertiary-industry units, the “Jiangsu Province’s Top 200 Enterprises in the Third Industry” was comprehensively selected and submitted to the provincial government for recognition as a pioneer in the development of the tertiary industry in the province. Strengthen the pride of the employees of the tertiary industry and promote the sustained, rapid and healthy economic development of the province. The present situation is as follows: I. Scope of the assessment The province’s tertiary industry has independent legal accounting qualifications for enterprises including wholesale, retail, transportation, finance, insurance, post and telecommunications, real estate, tourism and entertainment, and information advertising. 2. Methods and characteristics of selection On the basis of full investigation and research and soliciting opinions from enterprises, we issued the “Notice on Comprehensive Selection of Top 200 Enterprises in the Third Industry of Jiangsu Province” on November 22, 1994, and proposed to the selected units. Including sales income, profits and taxes, total assets, rank and influence of the same industry, business style, leadership status, security status, and other 11 assessment requirements. And set the selected quantitative indicators for different industries. The company used the situation in 1993 as a basis, with reference to the situation in 1994 and reporting conditions. Approved by the competent authority, the city’s three production offices check, the provincial three production offices re-invitation leaders from various sectors, experts
相反数是数学中的一个重要概念,同学们初学时必须注意以下四点:一、注意准确理解相反数的定义1.相反数的描述性定义:只有符号不同的两个数称互为相反 The inverse number is
有一个地方,我没有去过。只因为据说它离商城很远,逆着光一直往北走就是。我听人说,还会看到一条河,河很宽很远,河的名字叫无定河。而无定河的对面,有一个城池,它的名字就叫作昼城。  小的时候,我喜欢坐在门槛上,然后用手撑着下巴。看马车疾驰而过,我学会了一个词,它叫绝尘。那时候,想去昼城的人很多,也谈不上为什么。或许是习惯了这边,然后就想去那边看看。我不觉得商城有什么不好,但却很想跟着那些马车离开。  
A    天上还是那个太阳。  地上还是那个人。  可是,让人吃惊的事出现了——  “贝兰同学,请出列!”年轻的教官威严地发出口令。  那个叫做贝兰的女孩并不知道自己出了什么错,怔怔的,可是脸红了。她仿佛记得,刚才教官盯了一下她的脚底。  军令如山。全班同学都替这个漂亮的女孩紧张。军训伊始,她怎么招惹了那个兵呢?他可是连你的腿都敢踢的——如果你出错脚的话。同学们不止一次地发现,这个兵发火的时候,额