兰台耕耘结硕果 喜迎馆庆三十五——上海市档案馆召开庆祝建馆35周年大会

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1994年12月31日是上海市档案馆成立35周年纪念日。为了更好地总结经验,展望未来,市档案馆于去年12月29日在馆内隆重召开庆祝建馆35周年大会。市政协副主席石祝三等领导及上海档案部门代表近200人出席了会议。 会上,市档案局局长、市档案馆馆长张乾作了题为《面向二十一世纪,建设一流档案馆》的工作报告。他说,上海市档案馆在市委、市政府的领导下,在国家档案局和市档案局的关心、指导下,经过全馆同志坚持不懈的努力,今天正以馆藏丰富,设施先进,服务优良,日益开放的崭新面貌呈现在世人面前。“九五”期间,市档案馆将以党的基本路线和邓小平同志建设有中国特色的社会主义理论为指针,以创建一流为目标,坚持以利 December 31, 1994 marks the 35th anniversary of the founding of Shanghai Archives. In order to better summarize the experience and look to the future, the Municipal Archives held a grand celebration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the museum on December 29 last year in the museum. Municipal Committee of the CPPCC Vice Chairman Shi Zhuansan and other leaders and Shanghai Archives department representatives nearly 200 people attended the meeting. At the meeting, director of Municipal Bureau of Archives and Municipal Archives Director Zhang Gan made a work report titled “Building the First-rate Archives in the 21st Century.” He said that under the guidance and guidance of the State Archives Bureau and the Municipal Archives, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, he said that with the unremitting efforts of all the comrades throughout the country, the Shanghai Archives today is taking its collection of rich, advanced facilities and excellent service , A new and increasingly open new face is presented to the world. During the Ninth Five-year Plan, the Municipal Archives will take the basic line of the party and Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guideline, and will aim at creating first-class education and adhere to Eli
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根据市档案局的通知要求,为了进一步提高全局系统档案管理人员业务素质,推进档案管理的规范 According to the notice of the Municipal Archives Bureau, in order to furthe
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