
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayleardutt
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所进行的8个市县甲肝血清学流行病学调查结合海南1990~1999年甲肝疫情报告分析表明:海南省甲型肝炎的总人群感染率为51.70%,男女间无差异。各市县分布不均衡,感染率最高的市县为78.69%,而边远少数民族区属于免疫空白,其次是与汉区交界的少数民族区感染率仅为16.38%,从而提示甲肝对海南黎族同胞来说属于输入性疾病。全省呈西部地区(75.26%)高于东部(59.10%),P<0.05。一般农村高于城镇,分别为77.61%和71.15%,但也存在特别现象。农民职业的发病数相对最高,其次是学生,而医务人员最低。差异较大的年龄段为10岁以下儿童,1~4岁儿童的免疫屏障较低。海南甲肝好发于春末和夏季。有一定的家庭聚集性。同时对甲肝减毒活疫苗免疫效果进行调查发现总的阳转率仅为16. 22%,与灭活疫苗(98.87%)有显著性差异,P<0.01。故要加强甲肝的防治,尤其是学龄前儿童,提高疫苗接种成功率尤为关键。预计我省由于低屏障区和高屏障区的交互存在,在较长时期内控制甲肝暴发流行仍是一项重要的任务。 According to the epidemiological investigation of hepatitis A in 8 counties in China and the analysis of hepatitis A in Hainan from 1990 to 1999, the overall infection rate of hepatitis A in Hainan Province was 51.70%. There was no difference between men and women. The cities and counties in different counties were distributed unevenly, with the highest infection rate being 78.69%. However, the remote minority areas belonged to immunization blank, and the infection rate of ethnic minority areas bordering Han was only 16.38% Said to belong to the input disease. The province was western (75.26%) than the eastern (59.10%), P <0.05. The general rural area is higher than the urban areas with 77.61% and 71.15% respectively, but there are also special phenomena. The incidence of peasant occupations is relatively highest, followed by students, and medical staff is the lowest. Differences in age groups for children under 10 years old, 1 to 4-year-old children with lower immune barrier. Hainan Hailu occur in late spring and summer. Have a certain degree of family aggregation. At the same time, we found that the total positive conversion rate was only 16.22%, which was significantly different from the inactivated vaccine (98.87%), P <0.01. Therefore, to strengthen the prevention and treatment of hepatitis A, especially preschool children, to improve the success rate of vaccination is particularly crucial. It is estimated that due to the interaction between low barrier area and high barrier area in our province, it is still an important task to control the outbreak of hepatitis A over a long period of time.
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