Patient, female, farmer, 59 years old, left eye Black swarm of insects called Scotinophara swollen for 1 week after sting and showed acute progressive blurred vision. Left eye examination revealed significant prominent eye, orbital swelling and ptosis, eye movement in all directions are limited. Corneal opacity with large epithelial defects. Fundus examination found that the central retinal movement, vein occlusion, optic disc edema and macular ischemia and other characteristics. CT scan and brain and orbital MRI examination of orbital soft tissue inflammation. Patients were diagnosed with left orbital cellulitis, keratitis (corneal staphyloma), and central retinal artery and vein occlusion. After systemic and topical antibiotic treatment, the periorbital swelling and prominent eyeballs improved significantly. However, the sight is still dull, in addition, there are still persistent eye movement disorders. Scotinophara bacteria produce serious and long-term potential eye irritation. Eye damage caused by Scotinophara bacteria can be perceived, especially in the prone areas should be given eye drops treatment.