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历史的回顾我国的果树害虫研究工作约开始于25年以前,当时工作偏重调查方面。值得提出的是在1936年就有了比较完整的“中国果虫名录”(陈方洁、王飞鹏编)。现在几种常见的果蛀虫在这本名录里都有记载,只是学名由于作者等接触到的文献关系和现在的叫法不同。如:桃小食心虫叫 Carposina percicana,东小果蛀叫 Cydiainopinata,梨小食心虫叫 Cydia molesta,白小食心虫叫 Eucosma prognathana。1931年后,东北广大果产区沦陷,再隔数年,沿海各主要果产区又相继沦入日本侵略者之手,使萌芽不久的果虫研究工作受到很大的损失。日本侵略 Historical Review The research work on pests of fruit trees in our country started about 25 years ago when the work was more emphasis on investigation. It is worth mentioning that in 1936 there is a more complete “Chinese fruit and worm directory” (Chen Fangjie, Wang Feipeng series). Several common fruit borer species are now recorded in this list, except that the scientific name is different from the current literature because of the author’s access to literature. Such as: Peach borer called Carposina percicana, East small borer called Cydiainopinata, Pear boreal worms called Cydia molesta, white borer called Eucosma prognathana. After 1931, the majority of fruit producing areas in the Northeast fell. A few years later, all major fruit producing areas along the coast were successively reduced to the hands of the Japanese invaders, causing a great loss to the germinating research of fruitworms in the near future. Japanese aggression
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