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炎炎夏日,正是莲花盛开的季节。放眼荷塘,那铺锦叠翠碧如玉盘的荷叶,溢光流彩清丽典雅的荷花,那亭亭玉立随风飘曳的莲蓬,脉脉浮动而沁人肺腑的幽香,无不令人心旷神怡,情思萦绕,爱莲之心油然而生。莲花一向为文人墨客所推崇。唐代大诗人李白赞美莲花为“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”。宋代周敦颐在《爱莲说》中曰:“予独爱莲之出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”。莲花在佛教中,享有崇高的地位,被视为神圣净洁之物,佛教就常以莲花为台座,称为“莲座”。古代的宫廷园囿或私宅庭院向把莲花视为珍贵花木,近年来我国园艺界又把莲花列为“中国 Summer, it is the lotus blossom season. Looking at the lotus pond, then spread the Kam Pok Pik green jade plate lotus leaf, overflowing flow elegant Qinglv lotus, the slim silhouetted floating incense, veins floating and delicate fragrance, all is refreshing, lingering emotions, Love Lin heart of oil arises spontaneously. Lotus has always been praised by literati. Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai praised Lotus as ”clear water out of hibiscus, natural to carving “. Zhou Dunyi Song said in ”Ailian said:“ The only love of the sludge out of the lotus, Qing Lian without demon. ” Lotus enjoys a high status in Buddhism and is regarded as a sacred and clean object. Buddhism often uses the lotus as its seat, called “rosette”. In ancient court gardens or private courtyards, lotus flowers are regarded as precious flowers and trees. In recent years, China’s horticultural circles have again listed “lotus flowers” as "China
本周国内最大真空薄膜材料生产企业芜湖长信科技股份有限公司正式开始启动创业板发行工作。笔者就投资者关心的一些问题,走近企业。 This week, Wuhu Changxin Technology C
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