
来源 :贵州茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aote_jeanny
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1998年9月23日遵义市茶叶学会在余庆县召开了1998年年会。余庆县4大班子领导亲临会场指导,县委副书记韦德厚、副县长陈蜀黔介绍了余庆县茶业基本情况,并对该县成立茶业集团公司的重要性、可行性作了阐述。学会理事长周英作了加强体制改革促进茶业产业发展的工作总结,随后有12位代表进行了学术与经验交流,最后由市农业局局长王声扬作了题为“健全体制依靠科技增加投入强化管理茶叶产业化逐步形成”的总结发言,他对今后学会的工作提出了6点意见:依靠科技,巩固和提高我市茶叶生产;健全经营机制,完善承包合同;强化管理,搞活流通;努力工作,促进茶叶产业化发展;继续抓好高档次名优茶;继续抓好团体会员的发展工作。经过1天紧张的工作,完成了会议各项议程,统一了认识,振奋了精神,会议圆满结束。又讯:余庆县委、县政府对该县的茶叶生产在认真论证,充分协商基础上,于1998年9月24日继市茶叶学会年会之后举行授牌仪式,宣布成立余庆县茶叶集团公司。这标志着余庆县茶叶产业化进程迈开了第一步,她是我省第一家茶叶集团公司,预祝该公司健康发展,为我省茶叶产业化闯出一条适合我省省情的新路子。 On September 23, 1998, the Zunyi Tea Association held its 1998 annual meeting in Yuqing County. Leaders of the 4 major teams in Yuqing County were instructed at the conference. Deputy deputy secretary of the county party committee, Wei Dehou and deputy head of the county government, introduced the basic situation of the tea industry in Yuqing County, and elaborated on the importance and feasibility of establishing the Tea Industry Group Corporation in the county. Zhou Ying, Director of the Institute, made a summary of the work of strengthening the reform of the system to promote the development of the tea industry. Twelve representatives subsequently exchanged their academic and experiential experiences. Finally, Wang Shengyang, the director of the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, made a presentation entitled “A Sound System Relies on Technology to Increase Investment. Strengthen the management of the gradual development of tea industrialization ”, he put forward six points for the future work of the Society: rely on science and technology, to consolidate and improve tea production in our city; improve the operating mechanism, improve the contract; strengthen management, invigorate circulation; Work hard to promote the development of tea industry; continue to focus on high-end premium tea; continue to do a good job in the development of group members. After one day of intense work, the agendas of the conference were completed, the understanding was unified, the spirit was invigorated, and the meeting was successfully concluded. Another news: Yuqing county party committee and county government on the tea production in the county in a serious argument, based on full consultations, in September 24, 1998 following the annual meeting of the Tea Association held an award ceremony, announced the establishment of Yuqing tea group the company. This marks the first step in the industrialization of tea in Yuqing County. She is the first tea group company in the province and wishes the company’s healthy development. It has produced a suitable province for the province’s tea industry. New way.