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每天下班回家下了公车还要走很远的一段路,途中要经过一个工地,工地上由于施工总是会有许多尘土到处飞扬,我都会用手捂住鼻子快速地跑过去。这一天天气阴沉沉的,走到工地时下起了暴雨。我急于找一个避雨的地方,左顾右盼时望见了工地一角的一个帐篷,破破的,在暴雨中发挥它的作用,我不知道里边有什么,但它却使我伫立雨中,久久地注视着它,不愿离去,泪水情不自禁地流了下来,我的思想刹那间 Go home every day after work from the bus a long way to go a long way to go through a site on the construction site due to construction there will always be a lot of dust flying everywhere, I will hand over my nose ran quickly. It was gloomy this day and it rained heavily when it came to the site. I was eager to find a place to shelter from rain. When I looked forward to hope, I saw a tent in the corner of the site. I broke through it and played its part in the torrential rain. I did not know what was inside but it kept me standing in the rain and watching for a long time With it, do not want to leave, tears can not help but flow down, my thoughts in an instant
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20 0 1年 4月 3日 ,在俄罗斯举行了“世纪之交的创新文化”国际论坛的开幕式。此次论坛由联合国教科文组织发起 ,与会代表来自 1 5个国家。联合国教科文组织总干事松浦晃一郎
根据实施西部大开发战略的总体要求,结合旅游业发展的需要,目前贵州民族文化资源开发建设的重点是抓“一个中心、两条主线、三个文化旅游区、四个主导产品”。 一个中心:即把
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本文论述了在初中英语课堂教学中进行双向交流的方法:在课堂导入、拼读单词、分析难句、学习语法、背诵课文诸方面组织学生积极参与。 This article discusses the method o
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