实行全方位监理 尽决实现农机管理标准化

来源 :新疆农机化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingzi9252
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全方位农机监理在生产过程,就是对拖拉机、收割机等农牧机械和农机驾驶操作人员的整个生产活动实行全面监督和管理.农机监理的对象及内容不仅是拖拉机的验证上户,驾驶员的审验,安全教育等,还要对农业机械整个过程,实行全方位监理,严格农机人员上岗学习考核.学习考核内容不仅只限于机械常识和安全操作规程,还要对农具配套及农田作业操作安全规程,进行全面学习考核,定期对农机人员轮训,并实行配套农具、动力机械、场院作业机械、喷灌机械等进行牌证管理,对农机具的保养检修、保管、停放、油物料进行安全管理;同时,还应根据农机分散的特点,从实际出发,走出办公室,采取路面流动巡逻、执勤、田间作业场地巡回检查方式,变静态管理为动态管理,通过农机监理,实行机具状态完好挂牌制,达到上岗人员及作业机械的标准化管理. The full range of agricultural machinery supervision in the production process, that is, tractors, harvesters and other agricultural and livestock machinery and agricultural driving the entire production operations to implement a comprehensive supervision and management of agricultural supervision of the object and content is not only the tractor verified the households, the driver’s Inspection, safety education, but also on the entire process of agricultural machinery, the implementation of all-round supervision, strict agricultural workers induction learning assessment.Examination and examination content is not limited to mechanical knowledge and safety practices, but also on farm tools and farmland operations safety regulations Carry out a comprehensive study and assessment, carry out regular training sessions for agricultural workers, carry out license management of supporting agricultural tools, power machinery, yard operation machinery and sprinkler irrigation machinery, carry out safety management on maintenance, repair, storage and parking of farm machinery, and oil materials; At the same time, according to the characteristics of decentralized agricultural machinery, proceed from the actual situation, go out of the office, take the pavement mobile patrols, on duty, field inspection methods of field operations, variable static management for dynamic management, through the supervision of agricultural machinery, the implementation of state- Staff and operating machinery standardization management.
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养鱼水面波工业废水或生活污水污染后,可采用以下方法净化水体。 一、化学方法。亩用生石灰10—15公斤,乳化后全池泼洒.如每次每亩配合使用100—150公斤明矾,效果更好。此法
他4岁了还不会说话,喊他也不搭理。父母意識到这个问题的严重性,带他去医院,他被确诊为先天性聋哑。本就不宽裕的家庭,又遭此打击,去特殊学校训练是一笔不小的开销,年轻的妈妈最终不堪重负,在他8岁的时候,离家出走了。  8岁是该上小学的年龄了,父亲却只给他报了语言课,并且辞去了玉器厂的工作。因为有点儿雕刻的技艺,父亲在朋友开的玉器店里帮忙。此后,他和父亲形影不离,工作、吃饭、睡觉,父亲既当爹又当妈,还当