Where’s My Mum?

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  宋俞洁 刘偌彤 张艺馨 张潆欣
  张梦哲 石轩羽 耿小船 韩兆辉
  李砾宸 徐王子瑞
  Little tadpole is looking for her mother.
  Tadpole: Mum, where’s my mum? Wow! A new world! How nice!
  Butterflies: Good morning.
  Tadpole: Good morning. Who are you?
  Butterflies: We’re butterflies. Who are you?
  Tadpole: I’m little tadpole. Let’s be friends.
  Butterflies: All right. Let’s play.
  Butterflies’ Mother: Oh! My babies!
  Butterflies: Mum! Mum! This is little tadpole.
  Butterflies’ Mother: Nice to meet you.
  Tadpole: Nice to meet you, too.
  Butterflies’ Mother: Oh! My babies, are you hungry?
  Butterflies: Yes, yes, we’re hungry.
  Butterflies’ Mother: Let’s go home.
  Butterflies: Goodbye, little tadpole.
  Tadpole: Bye. But where’s my mum? Where’s my mum?
  Tadpole: Mum! Mum!
  Fish: Good morning, little tadpole.
  Tadpole: Good morning, are you my mum?
  Fish: No, I’m not.
  Tadpole: Where’s my mum?
  Fish: Sorry, I don’t know. Goodbye, poor tadpole.
  Duck: Ga-ga-ga-ga-ga.
  Tadpole: Mum! Mum!
  Duck: Good morning, little tadpole.
  Tadpole: Good morning, are you my mum?
  Duck: No, I’m not.
  Tadpole: Who’s my mum?
  Duck: Your mum has four legs.
  Tadpole: Thank you.
  Duck: Goodbye, little tadpole.
  Tadpole: Goodbye.
  Tadpole: Mum! Mum!
  Tortoise: Good afternoon, little tadpole.
  Tadpole: Good afternoon. Are you my mum?
  Tortoise: No, I’m not. Your mum has no tail.
  Tadpole: Thank you.
  Tortoise: Goodbye, little tadpole.
  Tadpole: Goodbye.
  Frog: Oh! My baby!
  Tadpole: Mum! Mum! Where are you?
  Frog: Oh! My baby!
  Tadpole: Are you my mum?
  Frog: Yes, yes, my baby.
  Tadpole: Mum! Mum! I miss you.
  Frog: I miss you, too. Let’s go home, OK?
  Tadpole: OK!
  (The End)
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