
来源 :民族语文 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjubaoli
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《民族语文》1988年第1期刊登了陈康同志的文章《彝语的紧调类》,提到云南石屏彝语33调和22调有松有紧。对此本文提出异议,证明了33调分松紧是对的,但22调分松紧则与事实有出入。 In the first issue of National Language in 1988, Comrade Chen Kang published an article titled “Tight Adjustment of Yi Language”, referring to the mediation of Songyi in Yunnan Province, which is 33 reconciles with 22 languages. This article raised objections, proved that the 33 tone is tight, but the 22 tone is loose and the fact is different.
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