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睢县供电局经过八个多月的奋力拼搏,刹住了“乱收费,乱加价”的歪风,使全县24个乡镇的495个行政村的电价,降到了核定的0.65元/千瓦时以下。每年就可减轻农民负担200多万元。 一、深入调查,认真分析,制定措施 面对群众反应“电价高”的热点问题,该局领导班子决定:每人率领一个股室,分片承包全县7个供电所的电价整顿任务。对14.49万个用户,进行走村串户的调查研究。同时利用广播、电视、宣传车等,大力展开整顿电价的宣传攻势。他们白天跟班到基层,晚上归纳搞分析,不但诊出了电价高的七大原因,而且制定出了详细的整顿措施,从而拉开了整顿电价的序幕。 一是为了征得县、乡政府部门对电价整顿工作的理解和支持,多次找县领导汇报,征得了支持和协助。 二是为了加强管理,杜绝乡站人员迟到、脱岗现象的发生,该局制定了严厉的考核处罚办法。组织检查组经常巡查,对8名迟到人员各给予400元的罚款和通报批评。 After more than eight months of hard work, the Qixian County Power Supply Bureau stopped the hurricane of “arbitrary charges and arbitrary price increases.” The electricity prices of the 495 administrative villages in 24 townships in the county were reduced to the approved price of 0.65 yuan/kWh or less. . Every year, the burden on farmers can be reduced by more than 2 million yuan. I. In-depth investigation, careful analysis, and formulation of measures In response to the public’s response to the hot issue of “high electricity prices,” the leadership team of the Bureau decided that each person should lead a shareroom and divide and contract the power tariff rectification tasks of the seven power stations in the county. For 144,900 users, conduct surveys and investigations on villages. At the same time, the use of radio, television, propaganda vehicles, etc., vigorously launched the electricity price promotion campaign. They went to work at the grassroots level during the day and analyzed it in the evening. They not only diagnosed seven major reasons for high electricity prices, but also formulated detailed rectification measures, which opened the prelude to the rectification of electricity prices. First, in order to obtain the understanding and support of the county and township government departments in the work of rectifying electricity prices, they have repeatedly asked the county leaders to report and obtained support and assistance. Second, in order to strengthen management and eliminate the occurrence of lateness and dislocation of township staff, the Bureau has formulated strict measures for examination and punishment. The inspection team regularly inspected and imposed fines of 400 yuan and criticisms on 8 latecomers.
四川北川县人武部认真学习贯彻新条令、加强正规化建设,结合实际,因地制宜,着眼发展,突出重点,狠抓硬件和软件建设,收到明显成效。 学条令,抓建设,重在行动,贵在落实。该部
为整顿农村用电秩序、减轻农民不合理的电费负担,1994年初我们对全县农村进行了调查摸底。在城关乡××村调查时,经查电费收支帐,出现了一组异常数字。 In order to rectify
近年来,成都市龙泉驿区人武部在全民国防教育中,利用各种形式搞活教育,收到很好效果。不久前,被成都市国防教育委员会评为“国防教育先进单位”。 按照《四川省国防教育条例
运用系统论的观点,提出了公路货运市场系统的概念,通过系统现状分析,提出了我省公路货运系统管理模式及其实现的条件。 From the viewpoint of system theory, the concept