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从土地沙化严重的生态谷底走上山青草绿的生态文明和谐之路,内蒙古锡林郭勒盟多伦县10年来通过实施京津风沙源治理、退耕还林等重点工程,生态环境发生了翻天覆地的变化。如今的多伦正在以绿色一泻千里之势铺展于浑善达克沙地,形成了郁郁葱葱、稳定的林草植被,为构筑京北绿色生态屏障发挥出重要作用。多伦先后获得“全国绿化先进集体”“、全国退耕还林先进单位”、“全国森林资源管理先进单位”、北京绿色奥运特别奖,2010年被全国绿化委员会授予“全国绿化模范县”称号。 In the past 10 years, Duolun County, Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia, has undergone tremendous changes in its ecological environment through the implementation of major projects such as sandstorm source control in Beijing and Tianjin and the project of returning farmland to forestry. Nowadays, Duolun is spreading in the Hunshandake Sandy Land with the help of a green stream, forming a lush, stable forest and grass vegetation that plays an important role in building a green ecological barrier in northern Beijing. Duolun has won the honorary title of “Advanced Group of National Afforestation”, “Advanced Unit of Returning Farmland to Forestry in China”, “Advanced Unit of National Forest Resource Management”, “Special Prize of Beijing Green Olympics”, and was awarded “ National Green Model County ”title.
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