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几个女人闲聊,话题渐渐地转移到她们的丈夫身上。一个女人说:“我丈夫从来不和我一起去教堂,我看将来他必定要下地狱。”其他几个女人深表赞同,七嘴八舌地历数自己丈夫的不是。说到最后,不管是这个原因还是那个理由,女人们都认定,所有的丈夫将来都必下地狱。讨论到这里,女人们开始思考自己的问题。 A few women chatting, topics gradually shifted to their husbands. A woman said: “My husband never went to church with me, and I think he will surely go to hell in the future.” Several other women strongly agree with each other’s rituals not of her own husband. At the end of the day, for whatever reason or reason, the women decided that all their husbands would go to hell in the future. Discuss here, women began to think about their own problems.
社会主义法治理念凝聚了全党、全社会的共同信念,标明了权力行使的价值取向,确立了法律实施者和法律调整对象的共同行为规范。中国政治文明将由此迈上新的平台。 The concep
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行政诉讼应以被告负主要举证责任为原则 根据现行的行政诉讼是因不服行政处罚或处理决定而提起的这一特点,把民事诉讼法第五十六条第一款关于当事人对自己提出的主张有责任