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近代中国文化,由于鸦片战争所引来的“欧风美丽”的冲击,形成了传统中学与外来西学的强烈冲突,从而出现了时人对于西学或抵制排斥或吸收融合的不同反应。这样,“开新”与“守旧”两个对立思想的冲突,自然也在文化领域日趋明显地表现出来。清流派作为统治集团内部一个政治派别而步入蟓汪政坛,正值洋务思潮声势赫赫之期。该群体的思想对“洋务”新观念作出了何种反应?特别是他们的文化观其特征如何?都有必要作些探索,以期能揭示出晚清社会中的一个文化现象。清流派的“清议”最为活跃的时期,洋务思潮已影响及社会。这是由于洋务思潮以“自强”之声为先导,所以才随之逐步出现了“一唱百和,万口同声”谈洋务的局面。王韬曾说:“咸丰初元,国家方讳言洋务,若于官场言及之,必以为其人非丧心病狂必不至是。……不谓不及十年,而其局大变也。今则几于人人皆知洋务矣。”但实际状况告诉我们,“人人皆知洋务”,仅仅是指人们对于“洋务”事物的外观有了一个极其初步性的 In modern Chinese culture, due to the impact of the “beautiful European style” brought about by the Opium War, there has been a strong conflict between traditional secondary schools and foreign schools of learning. Therefore, different reactions of the contemporary people to Western learning or boycott of repulsion or assimilation have emerged. In this way, the conflict between the two opposing ideas of “opening anew” and “keeping the old” naturally manifests itself more and more clearly in the field of culture. As a political faction within the ruling party, the Qing clique entered the political arena of Wang Yang, at a time when the foreign affairs ideological trend was in a heinous period. What kind of reaction does this group think to the new concept of “Westernization”? In particular, what are the characteristics of their cultural views? It is necessary to make some exploration so as to reveal a cultural phenomenon in the late Qing society. The most vivid period of the “Qing deliberation” by the Qing faction is that the wave of foreign affairs has influenced and the society. This is because the trend of the Westernization Movement led by the voice of “self-reliance”, so that the situation of “westernization of one country and one hundred thousand simultaneous simultaneous talks” was gradually followed up. Wang Tao once said: “Xianfeng first yuan, the state party denied foreign affairs, if the official remark, will think that their people are not frenzied will not be ... ... not less than ten years, and its Bureau also changed. Everyone knows that foreign affairs carry on. ”But the actual situation tells us that“ Everyone knows that Westernization ”only means that people have an extremely preliminary appearance of“ Westernization ”things
【正】 20世纪是中华民族奋斗、解放和走向振兴与发展的世纪。中国共产党在七十多年的历史进程中,领导中国人民进行了两次伟大的革命,形成了两代成熟的中央领导集体,实现了马
<正> 导言20世纪90年代,伴随着计算机的普及和深入应用,将人类社会带入了一个崭新的时代——信息时代。信息技术已经成为构成我们所处的信息时代的核心技术,而信息技术的核心
【正】 在中国文化的传统观念中,早就存在着一种文化见解,这就是“雅”与“俗”的分野:《荀子&#183;儒效》篇有“雅儒”与“俗儒”之辨;王充《论衡》有“俗父——雅子”、“
【正】 当人们从长期的批判与遗忘中苏醒过来,再次面对胡风的文艺体系时,除了使用近年来出现的“主体住”这一模糊概念来描述胡风理论外,更多的是重复传统思维中包罗万象的现
【正】 迄今为止,人们一直将主体的情绪作为其认识结构的要素之一,从而对主体认识结构之功能的研究,代替了对主体情绪在认识中的作用的专门探讨。然而,事实上,主体的情绪并不